Friday, March 8, 2013

Existential Cyber Attack

News Event - former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned of a cyber attack equivalent to Pearl Harbor, he appears to have understated the threat.

U.S. guns, missiles, and bombs may not fire, or may be directed against our own troops.

DoD and U.S. interest in counterfeit parts has resulted in the identification of
widespread introduction of counterfeit parts into DoD systems ... many systems use the same processors and those processors are typically built overseas in untrustworthy environments, the challenge to supply chain management in a cyber contested environment is significant.

So this is the result of outsourcing and the death of American manufacturing, which the problems get even worse — in simulations Defense Department offensive cyber teams can exploit most DoD systems using the lowest level exploits.

The Department of Defense is years away from catching up to the threat.
Recent discovery "Chinese" hackers of probing America's electrical grid serves as a reminder of a potential cyber attack that could far surpass the destructive impact of Stuxnet (a computer worm discovered in June 2010 that is believed to have been created by the United States and Israel to attack Iran's nuclear facilities).

A lack of diligence preparing America's critical infrastructure has made its grid especially vulnerable. A survey uncovered more than 500,000 potential targets. 

The amorphous hacktivist group Anonymous, has been publishing internal data of U.S. banks while prominent members are prosecuted on charges of stealing information and sharing links to stolen credit card information.

Information activist Asher Wolf, who has more than 200,000 Twitter followers via @AnonyOps and is living in exile by choice.  The hacker left the country for fear of being harshly prosecuted by the government for the radical advocacy of movements such as WikiLeaks and Occupy.

My Views/Comments:  How long can America hold on, with attacks from anywhere not visible, wearing a uniform, and using the weapon of choice "Computers & the Internet"  If not external attacks, what about from within our Own Government our Nations Deficit is America headed for financial ruin. 

How long can America hold out fighting attacks and constant expenditures to continue the War on Cyber Attacks, Foreign Soil, Guns & Drugs, Protect Visible Borders and keep out sourcing.

If Asher Wolf left, what about other American's, should we consider another Country to begin looking for work, to retire with lower Health Care Costs, is Our Own Government selling us Out ?  

Is it too late to turn this around as possibly Global Warming ?

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