Saturday, May 18, 2013

Cutting the Cable Cord


The surprising truth about cord cutting

My View & Comments: First, Paid Television is not Inexpensive, should not have priority over Family Essential Needs.

There are only One or Two people in/of a household who make the decision on Cable TV or Not, same of any expenses of a Household. Unless Children can earn and pay for Cable TV, Internet, SmartPhones, iPhones, iPad's, iPod's, Televisions, Computers any make or model, so Yahoo Homes, do not but this on other Family members not agreeing of those Responsible for Managing their Household. As there are other Events that may arise for those Non-paying Family Members wanting to partake in, School, Sports, Movies, Shopping, new Toys, various mode of transportation, Electronic devices, etc.

And Television and or Computers, can divide a Family, possibly each having their own TV or Computer, not shared or all in one central a Family Room. You can only watch one Channel at a Time...and you are paying for many Channels you never will watch. I have Cable TV, and I am looking to stop my Subscription which 3 TV's receive Cable, 1 other has the analog to digital converter box and I can watch about 13 channels, 3 of which are the main channels I watch with Cable.

I can stand to save $68 a month by dropping Cable TV, or $816 a year and with the Internet I already receive many TV Shows and Movies. And there is Mr. Antenna, which a few miles from my location is a Mountain with 45 broadcast channels. And the cost is minimal once

I have gone from Qwest Bundle and Save (DirectTV, Internet, Land-line, & Cellular), which Qwest now Century Link, left us out to dry, by dropping their wireless service breaking up the bundle and save...thus going to a dedicate DSL line & DirectTV, losing out on Land-line and Cellular

We switched to Verizon Jan 2010, and then Comcast Jul 2011 dropping DirectTV through Qwest. Since then we dropped one Verizon Cell to Net10, and when my contract is up, will drop Verizon all together. And we shall be dropping Comcast TV in June. Cable TV & Internet = $124, a month, and Verizon did = $144-155 a month. I now use MagicJack for Phone via the Internet, only $100 for 5 years or $20 a year, and the cost to have Comcast Internet = $48.95 = $587.40 a year

$222 a month for DSL Internet, DirectTV and Land-Line to $75 a month for DSL & Internet. Then from $144 a month 2 cellular phones to $50 a month for 1 cell phone and a new carrier, $124 a month Cable TV & Internet to $48.95 a month. Thus saving $147, $94, $68 or a total of $309 a month, to paying $100 a month for the Internet and one Cell Phone.

And now we look to Mr. Antenna as a solution over Cable out of necessity, not luxury. And may purchase a SmartTV from our monthly savings, to receive wireless content and using Roku at our other non-wireless TV's receiving wireless from the Internet, via Motorola Cable Modem and E3000 Linksys router.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

High School Student’s Rant Goes Viral

In the News: Rant About Teacher Goes Viral Watch decide for yourself

My View & Comments:  Young Bliss was being disruptive, showing lack of respect in his behavior, Not appropriate timing and his point of view should of been done in private with the Teacher, Vice Principle and his Parents.   

As a parent I would want this person to see his Counselors or V. Principal, as there is no telling how disruptive Jeff could become.  Appears Young Bliss could be a Bully.

Young Student Bliss is also taking away from other Students in the class wanting to learn...I am sure other Parents may not agree with His behavior, or would want their child in the same classroom. 

Too much is happening in Schools and on Campus across this nation.    Other Students may not share in the same passion as Jeff seems to being trying to Portray as he is not being constructive in how he is presenting himself, only lack of respect, especially when he states "I am telling you what you need to do" to the teacher.  A condescending attitude.

He gets a D for his performance...I am sure the Teacher is at a place that if she would have tried to have been more Authoritative, would only have caused Young Student Bliss to go into a greater Rant, possibly ballistic, especially with his Arms Flinging about.  

This is why Students should not have Cell/SmartPhone Cameras in class turned on and then posting to Social Media Sites...not good...sending a message to others at the same level as this Student, to try the same thing, to be noticed and disrupt a class.  Also sends a message to Children of all ages with Internet Access.

There is more to this video than we know, as to the student who begins recording and Why? 

And, if the Teacher was instead a Police Officer on Campus or off, would this Young Student have conducted himself in the same Manner?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life as We Know It

How has life changed since you were born.

Nothing last forever...cherish what you have and life

If you believe in Matthew 5:5, Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Meek defined: deficient in spirit and courage, not violent or strong  How would they survive if this became a reality.

In the News:

NASA administrator Charles Bolden  said, "A human mission to Mars is today the ultimate destination in our solar system for humanity, and it is a priority for NASA. Our entire exploration program is aligned to support this goal," Bolden said.

President Barack Obama has proposed a $17.7 billion dollar budget for NASA in 2014, and he supports a "vibrant and coordinated strategy for Mars exploration," Bolden said.

Among the first steps to sending astronauts to Mars are NASA's plans to capture and relocate an asteroid by 2025, a process that should inform future efforts to send humans into deep space, the former astronaut said.

My Views:

Space Exploration, is funded by who, the Taxpayer and of all the Research and costs, where is this leading All Mankind (the totality of human beings)

I sure hope something positive comes out of all this research of the last 60 years, spending Tax payers dollars...if not...we have no other planet to emigrate to.

As this World eventually will become too crowded, losing valuable resources to sustain life, changing climate making Earth unbearable to live.

Besides the International Space Station (ISS), Hubble Telescope sailing through Space, the end of the Shuttle Program, we have for years turned to Mars, in exploration does Mars support life or has it in the past.   If so, what caused a change to today's Mars status.

Earth is in the path of falling space junk, Asteroids, Meteorites or a wayward Planet, ending possibly life as we know it.  Dinosaurs became extinct, it appears as we experience more and more violent storms have been on the rise in US and around the World.

And some may have this concern, as it does not matter I will only be here on Earth for less than 100 years, and others that follow, can fend for themselves.

If Exploration Space and that of Mars fail...what then.  We cannot possibly keep fueling vehicles of land, water or in the air, heating our homes & business with natural population grows, we run out of land mass for farming & ranching.  And the cost of living, medical, education, homes, vehicles...the cost keep increasing, and so does Our Nation's deficit. 

If the economy is this bad now, just think in another 50 years what life will be for our grandchildren or great-grandchildren

Friday, May 3, 2013

Martha is back in the headlines "Rocks in Gold Hot Pants"

News Item: "Rocks in Gold Hot Pants" at 71, thank goodness they are not the Hot Pants from the 70's...

and just the other day, Martha posted her profile on is an American business magnate, author, magazine publisher, and television personality.
As founder of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, she has gained success through a variety of business ventures, encompassing publishing, broadcasting, merchandising, and electronic commerce.

I wonder since Martha served time, why she has not thought to open a "Marth'as Rehab for Celebrities" (MRC), as Lindsay L. is always re-re-re-repeating her stupidity in being arrested or checking into a rehabilitation facility...whose troubles began in 2007 with a drunk driving and cocaine possession arrest, spent several weeks at the Betty Ford Center in late 2010 after failing a court-ordered drug test..nothing works she does not get it, so maybe Martha can mother Lindsay better than Donata Melina Nicolette Sullivan / Dina Lohan.

And with Martha's Modernist Cuisine  also accomplishment with Home Decorating, she would add much to an 8'x10' padded Rehab Cell...and now that she is living proof of "All that Glitters"

and with her Flair for Fashion & Modeling Martha could design Fashion that Saves Lives too, making a Person Seen at Night by oncoming cars or crossing a street with her Illuminating outfits that Glitter. 

Or something more comfortable in the line of "Leisure Wear" with live companion-ability for those in Rehab, Slippers "Kitty Wraps" to warm the feet against any cold concrete, and that special Feline to pet and keep you company.

And in case you did not know, Martha was born 3 August 1941, in Nutley, New Jersey, as Martha Helen Kostyra.  We all are Proud of you Martha and Support You in your Endeavors to Meet that Special Man to be in your Life

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

3 Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects taken into custody

In the News: Authorities have arrested three additional suspects in connection to the Boston Marathon bombings, the Boston Police Department confirmed to Yahoo News Tuesday.

As one Yahoo News reader B B commented.....more of obamas undocumented workers...oh wait they were not workers they were on the gubberment teet and on the dole.... free education free lawyers OBAMA IS SPONORING TERRORISTS!  IF YOU AGREE, THUMBS UP, IF YOU DONT, GO FLUKE YOURSELF!

My Views/Comments: in response to comments made about this development

Tsk Tsk Tsk now Mr/Mrs B B, I have something to say in response, also to those who feel this Bombing was a Conspiracy.

Interesting, so if the other 3 knew they were part of the Bombing scheme of things, and they stuck around to be apprehended ?  As it is said Two have been in custody on immigration charges related to their student visas...Not So Smart of Students to have discrepancies with their Student Visas, to avoid being busted for their Visas.

And if Americas Education System, Health Care, Social Security, Government is in such a state of absolute shambles, then why are there so many still wanting to be Americans or live here for free or illegally?  And who pays for Welfare and Unemployment, Education, Healthcare, Social Security, possibly those who Have Worked and pay taxes, just a thought.

Of course I am sure this too was a conspiracy as one is responsible, the Bombs just happened to be there and blew up right after Tamerlan & Dzhokhar, where only there as Sport Enthusiast to watch Marathon Runners as it was in their blood?  Then after the release of Tamerlan & Dzhokhar photo's they decided to make their run for it...and kill a Police Officer, carjack a Entrepreneur from China, telling him they were the ones behind the Bombing...and take us to NY.

Followed by a chase, more Bombs and Shooting...I guess anyone videoing/filming this shoot out, had video form a TV Show, or downloaded it from YouTube and said it was the Brothers having a shoot-out over nothing...however it was too dark to see it was the Tsarnaev Brothers.  And it was the Police who ran over Tamerlan in an attempt to make it look more real.

And the reason for this Conspiracy, an Upcoming Movie, a Book, or lets many people we can P-Off...or Look Kim Jong-Un, and all the other Kim's....see what we have in store for you.

And to those who feel the same or are P-Off at America, our Government, Obama, nothing is keeping you here...if life is better somewhere else, guess what you are Free to Go.

In case you missed the boat in life, America is about Freedom.  I hear Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Somalia are great this time of the Year and if you are fortunate maybe North Korea, they need workers...see Mr/Mrs B B you have choices, what is stopping you, and why are you still here ?