Thursday, January 17, 2013

Taking the Easy Way Out, Costs

 News Event - The Story of a Man Who Outsourced His Work to China, so He Could Watch Cat Videos All Day

Mr. X, worked at a "critical infrastructure" company in the U.S. and started outsourcing his work to China underneath his company's nose, and would only pay those people less than one fifth of his six-figure salary.

Having sent a Company in China his RSA Key, which his company noticed that the Virtual Private Network (VPN) logs showed Mr. X logged in from Shenyang, even though Mr. X was sitting at his desk.

Verizon investigators quickly noticed a major red flag.  The VPN connection wasn't new and had been active for at least six months.  And found hundreds of PDF invoices from a third-party contractor in Shenyang on Mr. X's computer.

And while workers in China were doing Mr. Xs job for him, Mr. X was sitting back, relaxing, watching videos, and earning "several hundred thousand dollars" a year. 

My Views/Comments: the story is not about the video watching, rather in my opinion that of Mr. X, being a traitor to not only his Company, also depending on the sensitivity of this Company's work/contracts, could be selling American's down the river, and jobs.

Mr. X's profile –mid-40′s software developer versed in C, C++, perl, java, Ruby, php, python, etc.  Relatively long tenure with the Company, a family man, inoffensive and quiet.  Someone you wouldn’t look at twice walking down the street, in a restaurant, in your home or place of business.
Makes you wonder if Mr. X or others like him are working for our Government sending work out of the US or compromising sensitivity material/confidential or worse...Secret information.




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