Monday, January 26, 2015

Gasoline is at its Lowest in 6 Years & For How Long

Why this is: To Promote Spending by Stimulating the Economy...America is a Nation on the Move...

...if Fuel prices are More, then vehicle travel is Less...less People/Families will Vacation at Our National and Amusement Parks, Less Shopping..less Vehicle Travel means stopping at the pumps for Fuel and many Service Stations have Convenience Stores, Fast Food Service, not Oil, Mechanical & Tire Service.

Less Vehicle Travel & Vacationing by Motor-homes, pulling Travel Trailers & Boats, visiting Camp Grounds, Lakes and Rivers...Less Vehicle Usage means Less Vehicle Repairs are needed and Vehicle Sales are Less...

...Less Aviation Fuel Cost means Flying is Cheaper...Higher Aviation Fuel means the More you Pay to Fly.

Airlines already are looking to Charge You Extra for Luggage, Snacks, etc...less room, as they add Seating to get more Fares on the same flight.  I am surprised there are not Pay Toilets on Airlines or they charge for the Air you Breathe.

All this means Stores, Entrepreneurs, Commercial Business Lose Revenue = Loss of Jobs.  Alternate Fuel Vehicles cost more than the Gas Drive Vehicle...sure they say Cleaner Air if we drove Less.

What would Environmentalist do, if there was less and less driving, more alternate fuel vehicles on the road, less industrial production, less tire making, less need for oil.

Going Green, does this create more Jobs...More Expensive Fuel means our Food Products go up in Cost.

Less Driving, means Road Repair, Bridges, etc...would require less maintenance and if we had Self Driving Vehicles Less Accidents, Less the Need for Fire, Police and Medical demands.

I am sure you can think of more Less of...however Growth in Population means more land to produce food is needed...which means more People wanting to Drive.

And if we had no Fuel, what would happen to all Air Vehicles, Trains, Tractor Trailers, Ships and the Vehicle(s) you Own/Rent/Lease and back to Push Mowers to cut the lawn.

What would Life be Like without....

...Auto Racing, Off Roading, RVing, how will the Fire, Police or Ambulance respond to your Accident at Work, Home, Play, even to your Doctor Appointment...what happens to Air Travel of any kind...there goes Airports, Shipyards, Shipping Hubs, AmTrak...sorry Golfers, no lawn mowing...Tractors & Combines, No Crop Dusting. No UPS, FedEx, Postal Delivery all on Foot...Drug Cartels have to walk your illegal drugs everywhere.  What about transportation of illegal firearms...International Space Station you are on your own

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