Friday, April 4, 2014

Sesame Stairs for Disabled

Good Idea...the Sesame Stairs  / Allgood Trio Sesame Steps

The questions or problems I have & wonder about....would be inclement weather as with snow & ice, how will Sesame Stairs/steps work, or in the event of a power failure, are the Sesame Stairs connected to generator power.  And the argument would become, do not go out in the snow & ice.

In the event of Fire or Emergency Evacuation...ramps are nicer, yes they take up more room which might be less expensive, but for this building in the video would impose on sidewalk space, and if you are not in a motorized chair, would be more difficult to ascend/descend.  I am sure there are alternatives.

Other issues with not being ambulatory, using walker or wheelchair, in the event of a Fire Alarm, elevators are design to go to the ground floor, building occupants are to use the stairs. 

Human Behavior in building emergency evacuation, the perception of hazards can stress crowds, evoke their competitive behaviors, trigger disorder thus blocking passage ways, exits as we have seen/heard about i.e. Nightclubs, Sporting events, etc. 

The disabled with walkers or wheelchairs or others with less mobile disabilities can become a problem, as with those rushing to an exit tend to bottle neck, cause trampling, and blocking egress.

The ambulatory might not be helpful, others might not see an obstacle ahead and continue to press forward.  

Even using an Evacuation Chair in the event those are trampled or crushed are not able to get out under their own power, the chair requires more than one person to aid with the chair & egress down or up
I know the above is beyond the ingress / egress of a building for the disabled using the Sesame Stairs/Steps...however those capable of normal ingress / egress also can benefit from this knowledge & education.

Training for all that is similar that Fire Fighters perform without hoses, equipment, gear worn/used, would be useful in emergency situations.

This training would be useful for those becoming Disorientated & Confused, along with fear or stress, could save their/your life.

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