Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life as We Know It

How has life changed since you were born.

Nothing last forever...cherish what you have and life

If you believe in Matthew 5:5, Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Meek defined: deficient in spirit and courage, not violent or strong  How would they survive if this became a reality.

In the News:

NASA administrator Charles Bolden  said, "A human mission to Mars is today the ultimate destination in our solar system for humanity, and it is a priority for NASA. Our entire exploration program is aligned to support this goal," Bolden said.

President Barack Obama has proposed a $17.7 billion dollar budget for NASA in 2014, and he supports a "vibrant and coordinated strategy for Mars exploration," Bolden said.

Among the first steps to sending astronauts to Mars are NASA's plans to capture and relocate an asteroid by 2025, a process that should inform future efforts to send humans into deep space, the former astronaut said.

My Views:

Space Exploration, is funded by who, the Taxpayer and of all the Research and costs, where is this leading All Mankind (the totality of human beings)

I sure hope something positive comes out of all this research of the last 60 years, spending Tax payers dollars...if not...we have no other planet to emigrate to.

As this World eventually will become too crowded, losing valuable resources to sustain life, changing climate making Earth unbearable to live.

Besides the International Space Station (ISS), Hubble Telescope sailing through Space, the end of the Shuttle Program, we have for years turned to Mars, in exploration does Mars support life or has it in the past.   If so, what caused a change to today's Mars status.

Earth is in the path of falling space junk, Asteroids, Meteorites or a wayward Planet, ending possibly life as we know it.  Dinosaurs became extinct, it appears as we experience more and more violent storms have been on the rise in US and around the World.

And some may have this concern, as it does not matter I will only be here on Earth for less than 100 years, and others that follow, can fend for themselves.

If Exploration Space and that of Mars fail...what then.  We cannot possibly keep fueling vehicles of land, water or in the air, heating our homes & business with natural population grows, we run out of land mass for farming & ranching.  And the cost of living, medical, education, homes, vehicles...the cost keep increasing, and so does Our Nation's deficit. 

If the economy is this bad now, just think in another 50 years what life will be for our grandchildren or great-grandchildren

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