Saturday, May 18, 2013

Cutting the Cable Cord


The surprising truth about cord cutting

My View & Comments: First, Paid Television is not Inexpensive, should not have priority over Family Essential Needs.

There are only One or Two people in/of a household who make the decision on Cable TV or Not, same of any expenses of a Household. Unless Children can earn and pay for Cable TV, Internet, SmartPhones, iPhones, iPad's, iPod's, Televisions, Computers any make or model, so Yahoo Homes, do not but this on other Family members not agreeing of those Responsible for Managing their Household. As there are other Events that may arise for those Non-paying Family Members wanting to partake in, School, Sports, Movies, Shopping, new Toys, various mode of transportation, Electronic devices, etc.

And Television and or Computers, can divide a Family, possibly each having their own TV or Computer, not shared or all in one central a Family Room. You can only watch one Channel at a Time...and you are paying for many Channels you never will watch. I have Cable TV, and I am looking to stop my Subscription which 3 TV's receive Cable, 1 other has the analog to digital converter box and I can watch about 13 channels, 3 of which are the main channels I watch with Cable.

I can stand to save $68 a month by dropping Cable TV, or $816 a year and with the Internet I already receive many TV Shows and Movies. And there is Mr. Antenna, which a few miles from my location is a Mountain with 45 broadcast channels. And the cost is minimal once

I have gone from Qwest Bundle and Save (DirectTV, Internet, Land-line, & Cellular), which Qwest now Century Link, left us out to dry, by dropping their wireless service breaking up the bundle and save...thus going to a dedicate DSL line & DirectTV, losing out on Land-line and Cellular

We switched to Verizon Jan 2010, and then Comcast Jul 2011 dropping DirectTV through Qwest. Since then we dropped one Verizon Cell to Net10, and when my contract is up, will drop Verizon all together. And we shall be dropping Comcast TV in June. Cable TV & Internet = $124, a month, and Verizon did = $144-155 a month. I now use MagicJack for Phone via the Internet, only $100 for 5 years or $20 a year, and the cost to have Comcast Internet = $48.95 = $587.40 a year

$222 a month for DSL Internet, DirectTV and Land-Line to $75 a month for DSL & Internet. Then from $144 a month 2 cellular phones to $50 a month for 1 cell phone and a new carrier, $124 a month Cable TV & Internet to $48.95 a month. Thus saving $147, $94, $68 or a total of $309 a month, to paying $100 a month for the Internet and one Cell Phone.

And now we look to Mr. Antenna as a solution over Cable out of necessity, not luxury. And may purchase a SmartTV from our monthly savings, to receive wireless content and using Roku at our other non-wireless TV's receiving wireless from the Internet, via Motorola Cable Modem and E3000 Linksys router.

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