Thursday, December 26, 2013

DNA - My World Part II

DNA Portrait - with the amazing technology of the world & USA in the last 30 years, between DNA, Computers, Internet, Genealogy which I have observed from hands on, listening to the News, watching Science & History TV shows and exploring the Internet...has and is astonishing. 

Recently watching TV shows...Fringe, Continuum, Nikita, from the past shows involving Forensics far surpass flying to MARS or beyond finding Life elsewhere.

On the news this morning "Artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg" collects errant hairs, cigarette butts, fingernails, and discarded chewing gum from public places and using the DNA she finds, creates 3D portraits with a printer of how the owners of this discarded genetic material might look.

If you watch the video, to some this might sound gross, to others maybe "I shall not discard my cigarette butts, gum and wear a hat or hairnet.  All that we see and watch is Reality or in the making of the future, as writers, people relating to careers that explore, relating to technologies and science of today are foreseeing the future.

For many of us it is entertainment, an Ah or Wow factor when on the computer sailing the world of knowledge within the Internet, or bigger than life visually watching a movie on the Big Screen or 3D.  Somethings are just not meant to be viewed in 3D.

I only wish that in my High School days, this technology, knowledge and amazement was present as it is today...sure after High School, came "Man Walking on the Moon" however that was out of this World and a big achievement.  Encourage your children & support them no matter their age, as they are our future, even if someone of us will not be around to see it, others of the future will benefit from them.  Paying it Forward

Imagination leads to Discovery, Development and Implementation = Reality 

With the work Heather Dewey-Hagborg is doing, she can potentially see if a person is at a Health risk, cancer, diabetes, weight issues and with that knowledge Heather could know more about you than your Doctor does.

the Video links follow...choose the version of how this story is told...I watched all 3, absolutely fascinating. - this video explains more on how Heather's work assist Cold Cases - this video explains & shows the steps Heather takes in creating a 3D image from DNA, that is the likeness of your Family or someone within your Family as a Cousin.

As a Genealogy ResearcherI see a need in this technology if you do not have a picture of an Ancestor, but do have their DNA, what that Ancestor may have looked like. - DNA Portrait is a lovely short documentary, this video is 11:47 min - Referencing Heather's work, the lab she uses Genspace, sequencing the DNA therein to print 3D sculptures as shown below.

Every time we put our trash to the curb, a little of our DNA goes to the landfills.  A lot can be told of those living in a residence or working in a building, about who lives and works there.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Step into My World - Part I

It all began at 2 a.m., or was it 11:23 p.m., or 1:15 am, I forget I was asleep and dreaming.  I began to write down my thoughts, otherwise I forget them minutes/hours later.  One thought of mine was, why can't we record our dreams and our thoughts as they day it may happen in the New Age...the 21st Century

I saw my Heart Doctor 19 Nov, a Doctor from Ghana...he asked if I had been active, I answered as in Radio Active, no no, exercising, getting out and doing something while the weather is good, before the dead of Winter.  Wow Doctor I thought, the D word coming from my Heart Doctor.   I am very active, or at least my Mind is, so far I made it to 66.

Today for us Senior's there is the Computer, if we crossed over from Pencil/Pen and Paper and know how to use a Computer, then for what?   The World of Technology is not just for Men, nor has the Mechanical/Industrial World been.

Most of you may know me somewhat, know that I spend most of my time Online with genealogy research, answering e-mails, updating my websites, posting to Facebook, and I begin to think...hoping the following brings about thoughts, ideas and that you are not alone. much time does a person spend using the social networking website Facebook or Twitter & the many other Social Media sites and  "If the boss knew how much time you spent shopping online or Facebooking, do you think he or she would be happy?"

Since I no longer work, retired not by choice, Mary is my boss, she is not the Undercover Boss, the word Boss has many definitions one is "the hub of a propeller" the origin of Boss from the Middle English word boce, 14th century.  

Sorry my Mind is wondering...Mary is the "Hub of my World" as she has become since 2002.

Is Facebook a form of a Daily Diary, or putting a Face with a Name, as in writing a book as you describe a Character, and you begin to imagine what this person looks like.

Or should I be of another type of Social Media "The Blog" which I have those.  Or is Facebook a Blog as it is "a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.

The phrase "Build it and they Will Come", said by a disembodied voice in the movie "Field of Dreams"...well I created a Blog and no one came.

The Computer has become my Field of Dreams, opening a World of Knowledge  and keeping in touch with old and new friends of the past and present.  Look at all that a Computer can do...with someone at the keyboard or if programmed to run tasks automatically.  For some a Computer can be very confusing or overwhelming.

Having an Open Mind, and accepting the way of the Future helps at any age.  Which brings me back to why I began writing notes down at 2 a.m. as my Mind does not shut off...and in the last few weeks I began watching TV shows as Nikita and Fringe, thinking these may cause me to dream I Dream constantly between 9 p.m. - 6 a.m. then comes the many wake ups for the LBR.

I can never get back to the same Dream to where I left it a wonderful moment or one of action, like in the Movies or TV I am not a Super Hero...however I do feel sometimes I am in 2 Worlds or Universes, like on Fringe, a parallel or Alternate Universe, when dreaming.

from the show Fringe is a map in the Secretary of Defense's office labeled Department of Defense.  Which could be the Differences Between the Alternate Universe and the Prime Universe.  It is not evident that the map is a complete representation of United States internal and external borders, or simply a map of Department of Defense jurisdictional boundaries.

What the show Fringe depicts, actually have happened and we do not know it?I worked for the Department of Defense for 24+ years...the show Nikita & Fringe both are technologically advanced, part of which is today real, and could be the Future...asking myself how much of what we view on these shows or day will be real.

Some of us may know from the days of Buck Rogers, a fictional character who first appeared in Armageddon 2419 A.D. by Philip Francis Nowlan in the August 1928, 
paralleling the development of space technology in the 20th century and  introduced Americans to outer space as a familiar environment.

Today we know of Space Travel, the quest for Mars & beyond 
is Real...and it can be said what we watch, read, imagine, dream about, share of our thoughts and minds....can become reality.  

Many items used to day are a result of someone's Mind and Skills in making, also come from that of Movies & TV shows.    

Subconscious Mind Power, 
affirmations are believed to harness the power of the subconscious to influence a person's life.   Subconscious a term to become prominent in New Age, a Western spiritual movement that developed in the second half of the 20th century.   Spiritual/Spirituality lacks a definitive definition is of or relating to a person's spirit or relating to supernatural beings or phenomena.

We all are remain alive : to continue to live : to continue to exist and please always strive to have Hope, a New Dawn and believe in Yourself, along with your other beliefs in Life.

Life takes on many changes, not always with the same outcome...we couldn't have foreseen the consequences of our actions.

My Life is something I would never of imagined having, nor what it was to become "My Future" unfolding a different path since 1992, that I could of foresaw or how it would affect others, including myself.

There are books about aging, which I doubt could of or can prepare us for this time in Life, as we begin aging.  We may have seen our parents & grand parents age, or others around us that we know.  Unless you are able to walk in another's shoes or be that person, it is hard to put in words these experiences & feelings they have lived and are living.

Our Past shapes our Future...Each and every one of us are Unique in Our Own Way, and how Life affects us.  It is hard to stay Positive 100%, not everyone can, however please work at staying Positive, as the saying goes, "We Do Not Know What the Future Holds" and one part of Life is evident.

Talking and Sharing is good, this process provides Hope, Ideas and Understanding within ourselves and from others we care about, listen, share and talk.  

Look at what some of us have experienced in our Life Time, events in the World, it is amazing to be living in a time that we witnessed TV,  the Computer, SmartPhones, traveling in Space, to the Moon, International Space Station, beginning the Journey to Mars, and the ever changing of Medical Wonders to name a few.

The Computer is a great tool in this area, t
he World is at Your Fingertips, and what Social Media, E-Mails, Blogs / Web-blogging, sharing of Photo's, Video's, Links of our Interest as with Pinterest, Facebook, etc. provide are great. Bringing many together.

Not everyone has Artistic Talents, can Sing, Dance, Run, Jump, Play, Work, let the Computer be the way to develop other Talents you might not know you have and communicate.  

One day we may be communicating with a Friend or Family in Space, the Universe Beyond or with the Reality of their World.

Keeping your Mind Active is very important to your Health & Future...keep moving, doing, continue to learn, grow, dream and never give up...

...I was not there in the last years of my Mother's Life, or of my Oldest Son, same for 2 of my 3 Sisters and much more I missed out on...

...Cherish your Family & Friends, do not let it be Too Late...even if someone says it is Never Too thing is for sure, Somethings are Too Positive Memories for Family & Friends, communicate and share.

5:28 am

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How is Our Health as a Nation ?

Does it matter who is behind Our Nations Health Care, and why Politicians Point Fingers, or who is in Charge of Our case some have not noticed "We The People" are.

Does it matter the facts or statistics as with Health care facilities that are largely owned and operated by private sector businesses.  62% of the hospitals are non-profit, 20% are government owned, 18% are for-profit.  American's spend more for Health Care, leaving us Ranked at 48% of other Nations in 2011.

47 million Americans hit by food stamp cuts starting Nov 2013, as a temporary boost to the federal program comes to an end without a new budget from a deadlocked Congress to replace it.

Does it matter that America's National Debt is at  $17,197,824,760,459 plus some change.  America is still recovering from the 2008 Recession, and no one wants Taxes raised.  A very busy Debt Clock keeps ticking away.

But there is some good news Congratulations, America! Your deficit fell 37 percent in 2013

Does it matter that Our Government had to shut down, American's are laid off or on Furlough indefinitely. Now comes the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget are we heading for another Recession, does Our Government plan on Increasing Deficit Spending or is Our Government headed for another Shutdown that Will Only Make The Budget Deficit Worse in 2014

History of the US Debt 1790-2013

Whose Fault is it Anyway ?  So who has the Answer ?  as the words were spoken on 19 Nov 1863, 150 years ago yesterday "and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Rising Health Costs is a plague, as is our Nations Spending, it has become an addiction while Our Nation goes deeper in debt...

....and there are those wanting to be an American, have the American Dream, Our Way of Life, to believe in America, Defend America, Stand Up and Be Counted as an America

At the same time there are People that blame those on who do not Vote, and of those who do not with the consequences of not Voting.

However look where the Vote has gotten American's...and yet American's will still is it those American's who do Vote are to blame or those who have not Voted ?  

If born in the US, you are automatically an American, or had a parent or parents who were citizens at the time of your birth and born of a foreign land you work & study to become an American Naturalized Citizen you must be able to read, write, and speak English.  You must also possess a knowledge and understanding of U.S. History and Government.  Citizenship & Immigration Services

Nothing states you Must Vote or Work, nor do you have to Join the Military, I believe the word Freedom plays a big part.  

Just as American's die in conflicts/battles and wars for the Right to Vote or Not Vote, the American Way, the American Dream, Freedom of /for the Life of a Person living on US Soil.

Even if every American voted, and as a Nation does not get it right, whose to blame then ?

Divide and Conquer or Rule, a way to win, which is not a position America wants to find themselves or America Divided.

We will never know if in any Presidential Election, if the running opponent that was not elected, i.e. 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2010, if Bush or Perot, Dole or Perot, Gore, Kerry, McCain, Romney, whether Republican or Democrat had won that America would of been better off.

As just in those elections 4 Presidents were Democrat and 2 were Republican.  Which Party do you blame ?

...has the quality of life become any better since the Cold War 1947 to 1991, Korean War 1950-1953, , Vietnam Conflict or War 1955-1975, Post-Cold War Era 1991-2001, War on Terrorism 2001-Present 

and their is the "War on Drugs", a term popularized by the media shortly after a press conference in June 1971 by President Richard Nixon when he declared drug abuse "public enemy number one."

Conflicts/Wars, are a inevitable way of life, since the beginning of time or Our Nation's beginning.  

You may hear "What is the World Coming To" every time unpleasant news comes to light.  

"We the People" one could say is to blame...since the US Constitution was ratified (approved) by nine states on 21 Jun 1788.

How is the Weather ?

Recently in the News Oct-Nov 2013, has been Typhoon's, Cyclone's, Hurricanes and Tornadoes - I hope the following is informative

Tornado Alley is a colloquial term for the area of the United States where tornadoes are most frequent.   

I see from Maps that Tornado Alley is not the same as the Tornado Belt as some may refer to a region where Tornadoes hit as  Northern Texas Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska & South Dakota...

....has the Alley shifted ?, becoming wider as a Belt to include Illinois and Indiana skipping over Missouri ?

Severe weather erupted throughout the Midwest on Sunday afternoon, with tornadoes tearing through several cities in Missouri and Illinois.

Reading the news, it is/was reported as 16 Tornadoes, or 23, 26 or as follows "Throughout the region, at least 67 tornadoes had been reported as of 10:15 p.m. Sunday, the National Weather Service said."

So which is it, how many Tornadoes ?, and why do those continue to live in these areas, same of the areas hardest hit by Hurricanes and is this because of Global Warming or Something more ?  

Tornado Chasers

Even in the Pacific the Strongest Typhoon of the Year Slams Philippines "Typhoon Haiyan Yolanda" 7-10 Nov.

You hear of Cyclones and Hurricanes too, is there a difference..."Hurricanes, Cyclones, and Typhoons are all the same weather phenomenon; just that they are different names for these storms in different places, Alantic, Northeast Pacific, and the Northwest & South Pacific, and Indian Ocean regions.

This phenomenon per NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 

National Hurricane Center
Hurricane Warnings and Forecasts
Atlantic hurricane season (June 1 - November 30)

NWS (National Weather Service) with an interactive map of the USA, click on your State/Region

Lets hope, does not have website issues as has had.  
However, who signs up for a Hurricane, Tornadoes, etc.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

toppling Boy Scout leaders of Utah 'Goblin' boulder

Utah 'Goblin'-topplers in big trouble.  

Authorities say three men, including two Boy Scout leaders, could face felony charges after knocking over an ancient Utah desert rock formation and posting a video of the incident online.

My thoughts & comment

First...its not Leadership to destroy property Dave Hall and Glenn Taylor...and obviously you tested the rock first to see if it may move, and then came the scheme of it might fall on someone, so we should for safety reasons push it over.  As we did not see your Scout Troop with you. 

This had nothing to do with the Government Shutting Down of Our National Parks, as stated in the article.

My not wishing anyone to get hurt, you are lucky it did not backfire and land on you. Then there would of been no High Five-ing or Cheering like *@*!^ as displayed in the video...

....Mentor's for Stupidity is not Boy Scouting "Be Prepared" and I hope there is not a next time for all involved, had you mentioned before the stupid act of heroism, the reason for your pushing the boulder over, might have helped your case, then the cheers of success might have been warranted as in a touch down for Safety.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Gun Control vs Gun Rights

2nd Amendment - adopted on December 15, 1791 - United States 'Gun control' vs 'Gun rights'

The Second Amendment was based partially on the right to keep and bear arms in English common-law and was influenced by the English Bill of Rights of 1689

This right was described by Sir William Blackstone as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state.

Gun Control vs Gun Rights

15 year old Girl leaves Anti-Gun Politicians Speechless

Best Rifle/Gun/Pistol Open Carry Police Stop Ever - by Officer J. Estes, Oregon, speaking with Shane, Blake & Warren, who wish to remain last nameless, as they proceed to question the Officer, who are clueless as to why the Officer would want to see their ID, as it is not normal for People to walk the streets with an AR-15 Assault Rifle slung over your shoulder with a loaded clip.  Finally the Officer was allowed to examine the AR-15, and discovered the loaded clip, with NO round in the chamber.  Also the person with the rifle also had a holstered pistol.  Something you might except of those hunting, not on a city street dressed in casual attire.  Note: My personal issue with someone walking down the street with a rifle, holstered gun, no matter the caliber or that there are those who may drive up and shoot that person.  Not to the public may react due to the touchy subject of mass murder, at any location in recent months or years.  

Understandably our National Guard, Police, or other Agencies might do the same, carry weapons, as part of their duties.  And the unknown may be assumed, that a person in plain clothes carrying a weapon may intend to do harm, intimidate or if the situation arises in defending themselves, may use the weapon and accidentally shoot others. 

As the next case in point (following), neighbors do feel a threat posed by this 19 yr old

Man Walks Neighborhood Streets with Rifle, Anti-Gun Neighbor Hysterical - 19 yr old John Schultz

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cable TV vs Roku & Streaming Video Subscriptions

As with any subscription/membership may vary, and why there are so many to choose from.  There is never "THE ANSWER" we seek as to which is better and why.  Evaluate your needs, your budget, what you can live with or without. 

I dropped Comcast Cable = $822 annual TV, + Internet total $587 annually = $1409 a year, now I pay $39.99 + tax a month for Fast Internet Service and...

...I now have a Roku's at each TV a one time cost, with memberships to Netflix $8.54, Hulu Plus $7.99 and Crackle which is Free = about $17 a month.

Just recently I added the Amazon Prime channel via Roku and with the savings of $68+ from not having Cable TV, I now pay $23 for streaming video, a savings of $45 a month.  Which in 3-4 months pays for having the Roku 3 & 2 XD's that I purchased from Amazon, a one time cost.

I now pay $78.50 a month for Internet, Amazon Prime, Netflix and Hulu Plus.  And Roku has many more Free Channels you can add.

Who can live without the Internet & for those who raised their hands to they could live without the Internet if you are reading this you have Internet access on someone's computer or device.

I shop at it is natural to have Amazon Prime, you get Free 2 Day Shipping on Millions of Items Unlimited Instant Streaming of 41,000+ Movies & TV Episodes for about $6.70 a month.

And over 350,000 Kindle titles to borrow for free...and if you do not own a Kindle, you can still get the books using the Android App.

So for what I paid for Cable TV, needing their box, which has so many Channels I would never watch or multiple channels of the same thing on at the same time and I do not care to watch sports, shopping networks, or Insane workout as I am disabled.  I can watch them on the Internet anyway.  Eventually I will upgrade my TV's for Smart TVs

Much of what is on TV is on the Internet.  I can watch from any TV or Computer, Movies, TV shows which some TV Shows can be viewed Web Only on your Laptop/Notebook, Tablet, SmartPhone, or Desktop PC.

With Amazon Instant - $1.99 Rentals - Own for $5.00 or Less and there are Free Videos

The Good: Amazon Instant Video has lower prices on some movies and a catalog that's mostly on par with iTunes.

The Bad: You can only watch movies instantly if you have Prime or if you have purchased or rented them on the Amazon Web site first. There's no in-app store.

The Bottom Line: Amazon Instant Video is only instant if you're a Prime subscriber or once you've already purchased content from Amazon's Web site, but the lower cost for some videos might make it worth your while.

If you have Amazon Prime, you get a Netflix streaming-like subscription that offers up a package of free streaming movie and TV content for customers of Amazon's $79-a-year Prime service (which also entitles you to two-day delivery of other Amazon goods with free shipping). The amount of "free" Prime content isn't as large as what you'll find on Netflix, for example, but there's more content than you might think. Currently, Prime content is, at best, a subset of Netflix's offering, even though Amazon has ramped up some exclusives at the time of launch. But there's no telling what the offerings will be like as time goes on.

To view C/Net's Review of Amazon Instant Video

Friday, September 20, 2013

the Shape of Our Future

We need to coordinate with Aliens to see what they eat...after all they have to travel x amount of Light Years to get here from their home as 1 light year is 5.8 Trillion miles and depending on how fast they are able to travel, dictates the length of time it takes them, so I hope they have enough food and do not pass up our Earth so we may have a chance to ask them.  We surely have not found them in the last 60 years on another Planet.

Just think one day there will be no cows, pigs, sheep, chicken's, wheat, hay, vegetables as potato, tomato, corn, carrots,  lettuce, we may need to turn to genetically altered & chemically made something to eat. 

As there will be more People, more cars electric, solar power or fossil fuel, more highways and mass transit taking up land that was used to farm animals or grow crops, more homes, buildings, etc., to house people, and for more jobs those too taking up more land and of course the Golfers might see their fairways used for other things.

As for other Countries, they have been surviving since their origin, America only about 400 for companies as Monsanto, DuPont or Food Companies as Dole, General Mills, Nestlé, Kraft Foods, Fast Food McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, Der Wienerschnitzel, KFC, etc...and those companies that produce and supply these Restaurant Chains, and Slow Sit Down Restaurants...all mean one thing...

...JOBS !  no one is forcing by twisting arms, or directing your car to these Establishments or to buy their products.  And we hear so many times, "It is My Life and I will do want I want to, as I am an Adult"

And is the food in Prison better, as in Utah, they are cutting back on the calories Women Prisoners get per day.

How many times do we hear, "This is not good for you and that is not good for you", only to read/hear later Now it is not as bad as previously thought.

Even with Obesity high in this Country, how did that Happen, lack of Jobs, Welfare, Unemployment, and Americans gain weight because of junk food, which I heard there is no such thing as Junk Food as it has some Nutrition.

Are not most all Americans of Immigrate Origin, with this comes Ethnic Foods.  Do not other Countries have nutritional issues ?

...sure everything is about the Money, what Government, Company or Entity does not rely on Money to stay in business.  And Business depends on a Americans, no matter if they have money or not.  However, how many Jobs go to another Country, and is it because a Company stands to make more money, and that however Many American's will not work, do not want to work or rather take advantage of Welfare.

How do we as American's do about the increasing number of the Homeless.  Do Illegal Aliens, help the American Economy ?

There is the Criminal, which number of crimes increases simply based on economy, population, lack of Jobs.

If the Criminal becomes obese, my thought they would be easier to chase down and or find.

Also creates more Jobs, and then the Taxpayer dollars to care for them.  However, it beholds Law Enforcement to become Leaner and Quick.  Do Illegals come to America for the Food or Jobs or Money ?

Even if we make Space our next Frontier, traveling to Mars, converting that planet similar to Earth, we need fuel, food (tube food or MRE's, not frozen meals), and money spent to make the long journey, then once there, then becomes a logistic problem, with the management of the flow of resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption.

And why do some people move, because of lower costs, less people ?  And then who lives is even proven that wars help to boost economy, not to mention the many inventions as a result of war and in the Medical Arena.

If I eat a Hot Dog, does that take how many hours, days, weeks or years off my life, who really knows, we each are different.  And we need Money for more Medical Discoveries, and without Jobs, where does this money come from...and the saying of Investing in our Children, as they are Our Future...which means Education and that goes for Teachers as well...and we should invest more in Law Enforcement Technology, as well as Medical and Emergency Services as of our Fire Fighters too.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Theme Cities - If I was Rich

I would build a town strictly out of the 1950s', everything is from the 50-60's, the homes, cars, streets, stores, and in the stores were items from the 50-60's appliances, wash & dryers, a Soda Fountain at the 5 & 10, the old J.C. Penny and Sears buildings, a park in the middle of town for Concert's, all the stores such as Hardware, Market, Barber, Hair Saloon, Drugstore, Bank, Library, City Hall, Convention Center, Fire & Police Station, Hospital, Automotive repair for all makes 1950-1960.

Everyone who lives withing the City Limits works in the City...and within walking distance of stores, schools, etc.  Bicycle Paths, walking paths in town, a jogging path around the outskirts of town.  A shuttle bus for the elderly & those with special needs...paid by the City.

The town would have several Parks, where everyone knew everyone, watched out for the children, took part of the neighborhood watch, the town would be off the main highway.

Schools would be all located in one area, all grade levels, with the highest paid teachers.  Our school teams would compete with other schools in all areas of academics and large area for Football, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Track and Field, even a Skating Rink, Movie Theater indoor and one outdoor...only you do not need a car.

No Malls, no massive parking lots, no high rise buildings, nothing over 3 stories tall, everything designed when an emergency happens, Fire, Police & Medical have easy access, their equipment can reach, every home and building has a sprinkler system, emergency communication direct to Fire or Police or Medical at the push of a button.

All underground electrical, communications, no Telephone poles, wireless throughout..and for an Industrial area, that would be 10 miles out of town...a buffer zone.   In the Industrial area a Distribution center for all Delivers, the town people who worked in the City would then pickup and make the deliveries to their store/ big trucks in town, etc.

One place only for Horses with trails, no off road vehicles, strict noise enforcement, , no Airport no planes flying overhead...why would any one want to leave town. Special land parcels for large families that would maybe have 3-4 homes a Cul-de-Sac for members of the same family to live.

There would be a Package Store for Alcohol sold, which is by delivery only....No Bars, you stay home and drink there.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Medicare Fraud Doctor bills $35 million to Medicare

Medicare Fraud - Oncologist Doctor Farid Fata falsely billed $35 million to Medicare over a 2 yr period after lying to his patients telling them they had cancer, enter chemo who do not need it nor did they have Cancer.  

How many Americans cannot afford Health Care, then you have a Doctor padding his pockets, and imagine the harm he has caused patients who do not have cancer and their families grief.  Not to mention ripping off Tax Payers not even on Medicare.  

How many more Medical Personnel are falsely billing ripping off Tax Payers

Saturday, July 13, 2013

"2 Million Deaths" around the World Yearly

Air pollution may be responsible for more than 2 million deaths around the world each year, according to a new study.   The study estimated that 2.1 million deaths each year are linked with fine particulate matter, tiny particles that can get deep into the lungs and cause health problems.

I guess this is one way of fighting population growth.

I give many things serious thought as population continues to grow, what declines is land to farm, or for livestock, our food sources to feed the populations of the world.

Sure there is a lot of free room in the world, its the elements of regions that slows progress or the ability to farm or for livestock to is the future synthetic foods grown inside our homes, a closed & controlled environment, of filtration from pollutants, artificial lighting and what about power.

As populations grow, the need of more buildings, a place to live, roads, vehicles however powered...if more robots are built and become almost human, the less need for humans in the work place. 

Another thought, Farm Robots running farm equipment.  What about Farm labor, robots 3-5' tall, low to the ground for picking, cultivating the soil, or tall robots, to reach Apples, Oranges, etc. or will these items become extinct as population grows.

If our population size now overpower our electrical produced, causing are we to convert to alternate fuels such as electrical power, with it always be ever existent.

As more and more Countries become technologically able, more communication is needed, GPS, travel by Air or into Space, to place Satellites or Exploration as they want to be a competitor of the human race for space.

Will the Oceans recede, providing more land, what about the global warming effect, more Hurricanes, Tornadoes, etc.

And here we are more concerned about making our mortgage monthly and health concerns for better medical care, less cost....then on the News comes the "Air Quality is Unhealthy" today, stay indoors, restrict travel and outdoor activities.

The Smoke in our basin/valley if from a Forest Fire 450 miles to the south, and shall linger for a few days, conserve on water as we are faced with a drought and triple digits for the next couple of months.

And we look forward to....tomorrow, welcoming change if possible, something we cannot vote on.

Monday, July 1, 2013

“Wi-Fi refugees”

 In the News:

Several “Wi-Fi refugees” have a controversial condition called electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) who have moved to Green Bank, West Virginia, where cell phone and Wi-Fi signals are banned.

Green Bank is located in the US National Radio Quiet Zone, a 13,000-square mile area where electromagnetic radiation on the radio spectrum—such as radio and TV broadcasts, Wi-Fi networks, and signals from cell phones, Bluetooth and other high-tech electronic devices—are outlawed, to prevent transmissions from interfering with a local radio telescope and a nearby military radio installation.

Little Evidence that EHS Is Real

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The F-22 Raptor & It's Future

Word for the Day is "Astonishment " did you know that the F-22 Raptor, costs $49,000 an hour to fly.  And one F-22 costs $420 million, the US has 187 of them (minus those that have crashed) a total of $79 Billion to the US Taxpayers...F-22 was designed to be futuristic defense against a Russian Fighter Plane that was never built.

Sen. John McCain, when asked what is to become of the F-22, the F-22 has not flown a Combat Mission in Afghanistan or Iraq, no purpose for the F-22, unless you believe that the Al-Qaeda will have a fleet of aircraft, there are plenty of Air Shows in America...and so be it...the F-22 now appears at Air Shows.

Below YF-22 & YF-23

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Cutting the Cable Cord


The surprising truth about cord cutting

My View & Comments: First, Paid Television is not Inexpensive, should not have priority over Family Essential Needs.

There are only One or Two people in/of a household who make the decision on Cable TV or Not, same of any expenses of a Household. Unless Children can earn and pay for Cable TV, Internet, SmartPhones, iPhones, iPad's, iPod's, Televisions, Computers any make or model, so Yahoo Homes, do not but this on other Family members not agreeing of those Responsible for Managing their Household. As there are other Events that may arise for those Non-paying Family Members wanting to partake in, School, Sports, Movies, Shopping, new Toys, various mode of transportation, Electronic devices, etc.

And Television and or Computers, can divide a Family, possibly each having their own TV or Computer, not shared or all in one central a Family Room. You can only watch one Channel at a Time...and you are paying for many Channels you never will watch. I have Cable TV, and I am looking to stop my Subscription which 3 TV's receive Cable, 1 other has the analog to digital converter box and I can watch about 13 channels, 3 of which are the main channels I watch with Cable.

I can stand to save $68 a month by dropping Cable TV, or $816 a year and with the Internet I already receive many TV Shows and Movies. And there is Mr. Antenna, which a few miles from my location is a Mountain with 45 broadcast channels. And the cost is minimal once

I have gone from Qwest Bundle and Save (DirectTV, Internet, Land-line, & Cellular), which Qwest now Century Link, left us out to dry, by dropping their wireless service breaking up the bundle and save...thus going to a dedicate DSL line & DirectTV, losing out on Land-line and Cellular

We switched to Verizon Jan 2010, and then Comcast Jul 2011 dropping DirectTV through Qwest. Since then we dropped one Verizon Cell to Net10, and when my contract is up, will drop Verizon all together. And we shall be dropping Comcast TV in June. Cable TV & Internet = $124, a month, and Verizon did = $144-155 a month. I now use MagicJack for Phone via the Internet, only $100 for 5 years or $20 a year, and the cost to have Comcast Internet = $48.95 = $587.40 a year

$222 a month for DSL Internet, DirectTV and Land-Line to $75 a month for DSL & Internet. Then from $144 a month 2 cellular phones to $50 a month for 1 cell phone and a new carrier, $124 a month Cable TV & Internet to $48.95 a month. Thus saving $147, $94, $68 or a total of $309 a month, to paying $100 a month for the Internet and one Cell Phone.

And now we look to Mr. Antenna as a solution over Cable out of necessity, not luxury. And may purchase a SmartTV from our monthly savings, to receive wireless content and using Roku at our other non-wireless TV's receiving wireless from the Internet, via Motorola Cable Modem and E3000 Linksys router.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

High School Student’s Rant Goes Viral

In the News: Rant About Teacher Goes Viral Watch decide for yourself

My View & Comments:  Young Bliss was being disruptive, showing lack of respect in his behavior, Not appropriate timing and his point of view should of been done in private with the Teacher, Vice Principle and his Parents.   

As a parent I would want this person to see his Counselors or V. Principal, as there is no telling how disruptive Jeff could become.  Appears Young Bliss could be a Bully.

Young Student Bliss is also taking away from other Students in the class wanting to learn...I am sure other Parents may not agree with His behavior, or would want their child in the same classroom. 

Too much is happening in Schools and on Campus across this nation.    Other Students may not share in the same passion as Jeff seems to being trying to Portray as he is not being constructive in how he is presenting himself, only lack of respect, especially when he states "I am telling you what you need to do" to the teacher.  A condescending attitude.

He gets a D for his performance...I am sure the Teacher is at a place that if she would have tried to have been more Authoritative, would only have caused Young Student Bliss to go into a greater Rant, possibly ballistic, especially with his Arms Flinging about.  

This is why Students should not have Cell/SmartPhone Cameras in class turned on and then posting to Social Media Sites...not good...sending a message to others at the same level as this Student, to try the same thing, to be noticed and disrupt a class.  Also sends a message to Children of all ages with Internet Access.

There is more to this video than we know, as to the student who begins recording and Why? 

And, if the Teacher was instead a Police Officer on Campus or off, would this Young Student have conducted himself in the same Manner?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life as We Know It

How has life changed since you were born.

Nothing last forever...cherish what you have and life

If you believe in Matthew 5:5, Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Meek defined: deficient in spirit and courage, not violent or strong  How would they survive if this became a reality.

In the News:

NASA administrator Charles Bolden  said, "A human mission to Mars is today the ultimate destination in our solar system for humanity, and it is a priority for NASA. Our entire exploration program is aligned to support this goal," Bolden said.

President Barack Obama has proposed a $17.7 billion dollar budget for NASA in 2014, and he supports a "vibrant and coordinated strategy for Mars exploration," Bolden said.

Among the first steps to sending astronauts to Mars are NASA's plans to capture and relocate an asteroid by 2025, a process that should inform future efforts to send humans into deep space, the former astronaut said.

My Views:

Space Exploration, is funded by who, the Taxpayer and of all the Research and costs, where is this leading All Mankind (the totality of human beings)

I sure hope something positive comes out of all this research of the last 60 years, spending Tax payers dollars...if not...we have no other planet to emigrate to.

As this World eventually will become too crowded, losing valuable resources to sustain life, changing climate making Earth unbearable to live.

Besides the International Space Station (ISS), Hubble Telescope sailing through Space, the end of the Shuttle Program, we have for years turned to Mars, in exploration does Mars support life or has it in the past.   If so, what caused a change to today's Mars status.

Earth is in the path of falling space junk, Asteroids, Meteorites or a wayward Planet, ending possibly life as we know it.  Dinosaurs became extinct, it appears as we experience more and more violent storms have been on the rise in US and around the World.

And some may have this concern, as it does not matter I will only be here on Earth for less than 100 years, and others that follow, can fend for themselves.

If Exploration Space and that of Mars fail...what then.  We cannot possibly keep fueling vehicles of land, water or in the air, heating our homes & business with natural population grows, we run out of land mass for farming & ranching.  And the cost of living, medical, education, homes, vehicles...the cost keep increasing, and so does Our Nation's deficit. 

If the economy is this bad now, just think in another 50 years what life will be for our grandchildren or great-grandchildren

Friday, May 3, 2013

Martha is back in the headlines "Rocks in Gold Hot Pants"

News Item: "Rocks in Gold Hot Pants" at 71, thank goodness they are not the Hot Pants from the 70's...

and just the other day, Martha posted her profile on is an American business magnate, author, magazine publisher, and television personality.
As founder of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, she has gained success through a variety of business ventures, encompassing publishing, broadcasting, merchandising, and electronic commerce.

I wonder since Martha served time, why she has not thought to open a "Marth'as Rehab for Celebrities" (MRC), as Lindsay L. is always re-re-re-repeating her stupidity in being arrested or checking into a rehabilitation facility...whose troubles began in 2007 with a drunk driving and cocaine possession arrest, spent several weeks at the Betty Ford Center in late 2010 after failing a court-ordered drug test..nothing works she does not get it, so maybe Martha can mother Lindsay better than Donata Melina Nicolette Sullivan / Dina Lohan.

And with Martha's Modernist Cuisine  also accomplishment with Home Decorating, she would add much to an 8'x10' padded Rehab Cell...and now that she is living proof of "All that Glitters"

and with her Flair for Fashion & Modeling Martha could design Fashion that Saves Lives too, making a Person Seen at Night by oncoming cars or crossing a street with her Illuminating outfits that Glitter. 

Or something more comfortable in the line of "Leisure Wear" with live companion-ability for those in Rehab, Slippers "Kitty Wraps" to warm the feet against any cold concrete, and that special Feline to pet and keep you company.

And in case you did not know, Martha was born 3 August 1941, in Nutley, New Jersey, as Martha Helen Kostyra.  We all are Proud of you Martha and Support You in your Endeavors to Meet that Special Man to be in your Life

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

3 Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects taken into custody

In the News: Authorities have arrested three additional suspects in connection to the Boston Marathon bombings, the Boston Police Department confirmed to Yahoo News Tuesday.

As one Yahoo News reader B B commented.....more of obamas undocumented workers...oh wait they were not workers they were on the gubberment teet and on the dole.... free education free lawyers OBAMA IS SPONORING TERRORISTS!  IF YOU AGREE, THUMBS UP, IF YOU DONT, GO FLUKE YOURSELF!

My Views/Comments: in response to comments made about this development

Tsk Tsk Tsk now Mr/Mrs B B, I have something to say in response, also to those who feel this Bombing was a Conspiracy.

Interesting, so if the other 3 knew they were part of the Bombing scheme of things, and they stuck around to be apprehended ?  As it is said Two have been in custody on immigration charges related to their student visas...Not So Smart of Students to have discrepancies with their Student Visas, to avoid being busted for their Visas.

And if Americas Education System, Health Care, Social Security, Government is in such a state of absolute shambles, then why are there so many still wanting to be Americans or live here for free or illegally?  And who pays for Welfare and Unemployment, Education, Healthcare, Social Security, possibly those who Have Worked and pay taxes, just a thought.

Of course I am sure this too was a conspiracy as one is responsible, the Bombs just happened to be there and blew up right after Tamerlan & Dzhokhar, where only there as Sport Enthusiast to watch Marathon Runners as it was in their blood?  Then after the release of Tamerlan & Dzhokhar photo's they decided to make their run for it...and kill a Police Officer, carjack a Entrepreneur from China, telling him they were the ones behind the Bombing...and take us to NY.

Followed by a chase, more Bombs and Shooting...I guess anyone videoing/filming this shoot out, had video form a TV Show, or downloaded it from YouTube and said it was the Brothers having a shoot-out over nothing...however it was too dark to see it was the Tsarnaev Brothers.  And it was the Police who ran over Tamerlan in an attempt to make it look more real.

And the reason for this Conspiracy, an Upcoming Movie, a Book, or lets many people we can P-Off...or Look Kim Jong-Un, and all the other Kim's....see what we have in store for you.

And to those who feel the same or are P-Off at America, our Government, Obama, nothing is keeping you here...if life is better somewhere else, guess what you are Free to Go.

In case you missed the boat in life, America is about Freedom.  I hear Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Jordan, Yemen, Somalia are great this time of the Year and if you are fortunate maybe North Korea, they need workers...see Mr/Mrs B B you have choices, what is stopping you, and why are you still here ?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Assaulted teen had drawings, name on body

In the News: Awakening in a friend's bedroom after drinking too much at a sleepover, a 15-year-old looked down and realized she had been sexually assaulted and her attackers had written and drawn on her body, her family's attorney said Monday.

My Views/Comments: in response to comments made about this heinous act

I read how many are quick to judge any person be it the victim or perpetrator or event which took place and where the crime is/was committed.   Those also are quick to comment, without knowing all the facts wanting to place blame and what?... feel better about yourself as you came to the defense of or to become the executioner, pass sentence of how the perps are dealt with.  

Or are you saying I would never had done that, or My Child would never have done that, Blame the Schools, or as PeeWee writes "Im going to really talk to my sons after reading this to let them know..." you have not done this already? takes something on the news about a despicable act, before you Parent?

So who is to blame, Society on a whole, the Parents of the participants of this crime...or if the News Reporters do not have the Facts, tell the Story is that 100% accurate, and People base their comments on what they read or heard, not having first hand knowledge ?   And the Actions some suggest to be taken, would that have prevented this Crime, or stop the next one?

Or Blame it on our Legal System, Blame the President, if how this article begins is the truth, "Awakening in a friend's bedroom after drinking too much at a sleepover, 15-year-old" who is the Responsible Person(s) at the friends home where this alleged crime is committed, and the alcohol came from where "after she drank alcohol and passed out" and this Sleep Over All Girls or just the Friend & the Victim or was this a Party...

"The parents of the friend where the party was held" & "the parents of the friend had a "duty to prevent" parties from taking place at their home"  "interviews of people at the party showed the suspects were sober at the time of the attack in Saratoga" how can these people determine if the suspects were sober, their ages? Adults do not even know when they are intoxicated thinking they are sober, okay to drive...

You have "the suspects told authorities during the initial investigation that they did drink at the party."

Whatever the age of the Suspects, the Friend or Friends, the victim, all were responsible along with the Parents of where this event happened.  And what can be asked about the Parents of the Victim, where her Parents aware of a Sleep Over or a Party, and that there would be Alcohol for Minors to consume, altering their ability to make Smart decisions, choices, or intervene and stop the Suspects?

Bullying is mentioned, at School and before this incident & after...could any one have stopped any of the events days, months or years before that Night, all having in someway a place in what may or would happen at some point and time.  And what about after when possibly those who attended were not under the influence of alcohol, when "At school, she saw a group of students huddled around a cellphone and realized that at least one humiliating photo of her was circulating."

Those even not involved at the Sleep Over aka Party, were they viewing the cell phone pictures and felt it was okay.

And I am applaud that the 15yr old was allowed to go to School, knowing what had happened to her, thinking her parents knew too at that time what happened to her daughter. 

And the 15yr old "went online and tried to confront the three boys she had known since junior high who she believed had done it." or "the whole school knows," she wrote in one Facebook message to a friend."

And where is it mentioned in this article of her going for Medical attention, a Rape Kit Test, words describe "penetrated with a foreign object, and/or sexually abused her" Nothing about Rape.

We all have the Responsibility, as this incident Affects Us All for this could be our daughter, son, sister, brother, mother, father, friend, co-worker, next door neighbor another human.  Those not affected by this, are in my opinion the Suspect, the Criminal, The One who will do this again.  

Protecting our Schools, begins in the Home, Protecting Our Children begins in the Home, same of this incident it happened in a Home. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Illegal Immigrants from Canada, Mexico, by Sea ?

The Continental US is land bordered by 2 Countries, Canada and Mexico, in addition water borders with Russia, Cuba, and Bahamas.  How many Canadian's or those from Canada are crossing our borders daily or annually Illegally?

Illegal immigration, also referred to undocumented immigration or irregular immigration, is migration into a country in violation of the immigration laws of that country.  Illegal immigration raises many political, economic and social issues and has become a source of major controversy in developed countries and the more successful developing countries.

I am sure the number is quite low in comparison to our Southern Bordering Country of by water from Russia, Cuba or Bahamas.

Another question to ask is, The Reason for leaving their Country for the USA ?  And do you Feel that those fleeing from the South or from the North into the USA is warranted and what should Tax Paying Legal American Citizens do ?

And another known fact is there are more terrorists coming through or planning to come through Canada, as we stiffen our Border Security to the South.

The unauthorized immigrant population of the United States in 2008 was estimated by the Center for Immigration Studies to be about 11 million people, down from 12.5 million people in 2007.

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the countries of origin for the largest numbers of illegal immigrants are as follows (latest of 2009)
Country of origin - Raw number - Percent of total - Percent change 2000 to 2009

Mexico - 6,650,000 - 62% - +42%
El Salvador - 530,000 - 5% - +25%
Guatemala - 480,000 - 4% - +65%
Honduras - 320,000 - 3% - +95%
Philippines - 270,000 - 2% - +33%
India - 200,000 - 2% - +64%
Korea - 200,000 - 2% - +14%
Ecuador - 170,000 - 2% - +55%
Brazil - 150,000 - 1% - +49%
China - 120,000 - 1% - -37%
Other - 1,650,000 - 15% - -17%

And who flips the Bill, absorbs the cost for 11-13 million illegal immigrants.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

In Response to Gwyneth Paltrow: Smokes One Cigarette Per Week, Won't 'Do Botox Again'

Gwyneth Paltrow: I Smoke One Cigarette Per Week, Won't 'Do Botox Again'

In reading comments posted regarding the above by some Yahoo Readers and their comments about not healthy and Gwyneth being a Hypocrite.

My Response:

Dear Gwyn-eth...may I call you Gwynnie...I need your help, so I can get in shape at 65+, I have many disqualifying injuries preventing me from conventional or regular exercise, I cannot run or jog in place, stand or sit too long, move quickly, and no matter what these other yahoo barbarians say (only if the name fits, others my apologies if you take/took offense).

Gwyneth, I am sure you are very healthy, and it is possible those making negative comments may themselves have a vice, like drinking, or breathing polluted air, having unprotected sex.

I know they (the yahoo barbarians) are perfect in every way, possibly not a Fan of yours, or your movies, they may also drive, walk across a street, go to school, movie theater, post office, go to work, or even have a dangerous job...never knowing what tomorrow will lets move forward...having survived myself a few times, I have also saved lives, one could of been them or I may have saved them from greater harm...

Gwyneth, best wishes in life, with your lovely family, and if you have time, please contact me and help me to feel better, live longer, and maybe to see tomorrow, next week, or next year.

p.s. I have several doctors, I do not smoke or drink, take several meds, on Social Security, do not have much of a life, other than being online...or can you recommend any one other than Jillian Michaels.

Signed: Marine Nam Vet, Retired Disabled Fire Capt., without a Pension, wondering if North Korea makes the mainland USA sometime soon...then my concerns may already be over and I do not know it yet...

Besides it is not their Life is a good thing too on the other hand that you are not Lindsay Lohan

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

NK Attack

I would take this as a direct threat, by a Tyrant, in so many words Kim Jong-un is saying he is willing to kill Americans along with any neighboring Country & innocent people.

North Korea said, today it has moved strategic rocket & artillery units into top combat position in preparation for a strike against the United States.  North Korea nullified the armistice agreement on March 5 that ended the Korean War.

A Recap: Following the surrender of the Empire of Japan in September 1945, America divided the peninsula along the 38th parallel, with U.S. military forces occupying the southern half & Soviet military forces occupying the northern half.

25 Jun 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea and on 27 Sep 1950, General MacArthur gives OK for US forces to cross the 38th Parallel.

America provided 88% of the 341,000 international soldiers which aided South Korean forces in repelling the invasion.

US Casualties per DOD were 33,686 battle deaths, along with 2,830 non-battle deaths during the Korean War and 8,176 missing in action.  Some our Fathers fought in the Korean War & may have been apart of those casualties.

No one wins in War, all involved become a casualty, feel the affects of War in some way, those who fight or witness War is never the same again, their lives are changed forever.

12 August 1950, the USAF dropped 625 tons of bombs on North Korea daily; the daily tonnage increased to nearly 800 tons.  U.S. warplanes dropped more napalm & bombs on North Korea than during the whole Pacific campaign of World War II

History will repeat itself once again, as with Kim il-sung & now Kim Jong-un in so many words that the Korean War is re-declared.

Any Tyrant Leader, Dictator, has been crushed...History once again will repeat itself at the cost of Lives...may be this time North Korea will have Freedom as many Countries today experience from Greater Wars...sorry Osama Bin Laden will not be fighting alongside you Kim Jong-un, hoping no one will be filling your shoes