Monday, August 19, 2019

How Bright is Earth's Future

Thoughts of My Day: With the push towards Solar Energy, the demand for Electric Vehicles, every thing we use requiring electricity or a anyone working on Energy from the Cold/Freezing Temperatures?

Reason being, Nothing Lasts Forever, our Solar System is 4.568 billion years old and if the Earth's Sun was to go dim or burn will be an Eternal Winter.  As it takes approximately 8.3 minutes for the Sun's rays/light to reach Earth.

A solar system is a star and all of the objects that travel around it—planets, moons, asteroids, comets and meteoroids.  Most stars host their own planets, so there are likely tens of billions of other solar systems in the Milky Way galaxy alone.

So finding a new Solar System, with a Inhabitable Planet "One Size Fits All" needs to be found, if the Human Race is to continue, and what will they do for Food, Energy, Warmth or Cooling, Medical on a Space Craft, or in a Space Station or on a Planet that does not Support Life, nor does it have Water, with No where or place to go, as to the Store, for a Hike, Visit the Mountains, Beach, driving Cross no country, remaining suspended in Space...indefinitely ?

If there is no Earth, what Make & Model of a "Human Space Habitat Station" (HSHS) or "Human Space Habitat Craft" (HSHC) will you be on/in.  Will there be enough Robots to perform tasks, fly the HSHC, repairs from outside the HSHC or HSHS ?

Where are Support Vehicles with Food, Water and Fuel (whatever the fuel source is).  There will be No Industry to make & manufacture products to build with, no steel, iron, aluminum, alloys, plastic, glass, etc.  For those who pass on, no rainbow, out the craft door they go, no place to bury, or a crematory aboard.

In the Event you happen to be aware of the Earth's demise in advance and you want to or have to leave the Earth, what do you take of yours with you ?  Most likely the clothes on your back, and toss the SmartPhone, no Communication towers in Space, will there be an Internet, so what do you do with your Tablet, Laptop or Desktop.

What about all of the Satellites Orbiting Earth, who is on Earth to Receive and Process the Information that of the Satellites Purpose/Function, why it was launched in the first place.

Who Goes First, most likely the Most Educated and Experienced, I cannot say what will become of those behind bars, in prison camps, if you are over 65, no medicare, nor social security, no building walls in space, get your own planet.

What good will Money, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Gemstones, Minerals, jewelry longer will you be able to say to "Earth and Beyond" or "Houston We Have a Problem"

If Earth was to self-destruct i.e. Big Bang Theory Two...think of all that will become projectiles flying weightless through the voids of space, smacking into other matter, littering other planets, stars, asteroids, plugging up a Black Hole, or funneling through one to where is unknown.   Maybe Movie Writers & Makers can come up with something to Give Us a Visual.  Using Expert Scientist, Mathematical Experts, those who Deal with Space, Earth's changes, Astronauts every day for Validity and Continuity of the movie.

My Question to Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Burt Rutan, the Bill Gates & Paul Allen's of the world...what does the Future Look Like ?

Maybe Donald J. Trump will be able to afford flying off Earth for places unknown, will he take his family too...or stay on Earth in Greenland, putt, tee off and wait for the End, thank goodness for no re-election.

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