Would you ride on a Train Traveling between 200-360 mph, emissions free on a Magline, Maglev (Magnetic Levitation) or Maglift Train, using no oil or fuel, and half the energy per passenger of a commercial airplane, a Train that cannot derail ?
Currently the American Magline\Maglev Group is laying track between Disneyland in Anaheim and Las Vegas (California–Nevada Interstate Maglev), a trip usually spent on the Highway in cars by 40 Million a year on a 261 mi trip in 5+ hours or if you take the Maglev Train at an average speed of 180 mph reaching speeds of 310 mph, you will arrive in about 90 min.
The Magline\Lift mode of transportation is equivalent to 8 lanes of a Highway and that of 50 747's landing every hour in Las Vegas
Think of all the Fuel conserved both from Vehicles on the Road and Planes in the Air, also less fatalities, injuries and accident on our Highways from driving or plane crashes.
How about a Train that when you board, you tell it where you want to go, no stopping at each Train Station to Pick Up other Passengers ?
And even beyond are Trains that will Float, Slide & Fly not needing Tracks as we know them to be today. Tracks of Air
or the AeroTrain below
A Train in Japan that blasts through Snow on the Tracks, a train that routinely travels at 250 mph
The Tubular Train Rails below
And this technology instead of a wash out, may come down to a Flush for Power created by sewage and bacteria for renewable energy
The Biggest user of Fossil Fuels has been the Train and in the Rail Freight Industry, the BNSF Trains burn over 4,000,000 gals of fuel a day. BNSF has developed a Train Engine of the future to run on Hydrogen.
Hydrogen developed from Waste, anything that is biodegradable, not being used for another purpose. A process called microbial electrolysis cell...making the Power to run Future Trains.
How about Trains for Cars ? getting you and your Car off the Highway aboard the ATV Advance Vehicle Transport
And if that is not enough, how about getting to any where on Earth in 42 min 12 sec, accelerating up to 18,000 mph aboard the Gravity Train towards the center of Earth and decelerating after you pass the center of Earth to your destination.
The downside, the drilling through the Earth and temperatures reach 10,000°F or 5537.8°C in the center of the Earth. I guess Back to the Drawing Board.
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