Thursday, March 5, 2015

99.9% Dust-Free or is it ?

For those who have a Cat or Cats, have you ever wondered about the"Scoopable or Clumping" which Weighs a lot, not quite a ton.  I wonder about those without upper body strength, the elderly, shoulder and joint pain, arthritis, etc.

Is it really safe for our Cats digging in these different Litter Brands, there has to be chemicals right ? 

Then our Cat(s) clean their paws, they must ingest what is in the Litter.  Same of whats on the hard or tile floor and carpet Cats travel on, chemicals from cleaners, fragrance sprays for your clothes and furniture, room fresheners, furniture polish, etc.  Cats Lick Their Paws and Fur.  Same of Canines and other indoor pets.

Now makers of Cat Litter have created a Lighter Cat Litter, which Costs More for Less.  Does it have less chemicals and is it safer for our Cats, you might ask.

The volume is less and weighs less....meaning the Makers now save even more money, not having to pay higher shipping cost of that old heavy Cat Litter.

However, some Makers are still making the heavy stuff I know, and for many may continue buying it....but Why?...because the cost of the New Improved Lighter Cat Scoopable Litter is not inexpensive per Ounce/Pound.

If you have not noticed many Products we consume...we pay More for less and less each year. The packaging is different or the size of the container takes on a different shape appearing the same size as before, not 16-oz, now 12-oz and cost the same or more.

After 30-60 years for some of us using the same Brand Product, how many ways can you improve a product, and is it a better product than before. Just my thoughts for the day.

So many Varieties, weight size/amount, Clumping, Scented, Unscented, Instant Action, Dual Power, Super Clump, Fresh & Light, Extreme, Extra Strength, Double Duty, Super Scoop, Multiple Cat, Natural, Long Lasting, etc.

Why not just plain Cat Litter Does the Job, it Clumps, it Scoops, and Weighs Less than Dirt per pound.  Scoop & Dispose Frequently no matter if 1 Cat or 10 Cats.  

Who cares if it is Scented, I do not stick my Head in the Cat-box and breathe in.  For the Cat it has to smell like Cat Pee & Poop.  They Identify with it.

As for the 99.9% Dust-Free, sorry folks...I use Litter Puurfect 35lbs - Green n Clean, All Natural, New Odor Fighting Crystals - Ammonia Fighting with Odor Eliminating Baking Soda - 99% Dust Free - Scoopable Cat Litter

I will say it is not 99% Dust Free, its Dusty Dusty Dusty

Scroll to View a Few Brand Litter Products, Size and Cost you may use

One Reader writes:

Having switched to the new light, dust free cat litter, I find it to be well worth the extra cost (although I always find a coupon).

The new stuff has a nice scent and best of all it has no dust. No dust for me or my cats to breath in.

With it being lighter, it is easier to work with also. Although the box is lighter, you still get an equivalent volume of product, it just weighs less.

Tidy Cats, Litter, Clumping, For Multiple Cats, Lightweight, 24/7 Performance, 8.5 lb Jug - $12.78 ($1.50 /lb)

Tidy Cats, Litter, Clumping, For Multiple Cats, Lightweight, 24/7 Performance, 17 lb Jug = $28.79 ($1.69 /lb)

Tidy Cats, Litter, Scoop, For Multiple Cats "Instant Action" or "Dual Power", 24/7 Performance, 20 lb Jug - $7.78 (38.9 cents /lb)

Tidy Cats, Litter, Scoop, For Multiple Cats, Long Lasting, 35 lb Pail = $12.98  (37.1¢ / lb)

Tidy Cats, Litter, Scoop, For Multiple Cats, 24/7 Performance, 40 lb Box = $14.77  (36.9¢ / lb)

Scoop Away "Extra Strength" "Super Clump" "Complete Performance" - 38 Lbs = $12.98 (34.2 cents /lb) Plus Crystals  Scented/Unscented

Cat's Pride Premium Fresh & Light - Quick Clumping Scented Multi-Cat Scoopable Cat Litter 21 lbs = $29.99 ($1.43 /lb)  up to 25% lighter (compared to other leading scoopable clay brands)

Fresh Step "Extreme" - 38 lbs = $15.97 (42 cents/lb)

Arm & Hammer Fresh Home Clump & Seal Cat Litter, - 25.8 lbs = $13.98 (54.2 cents /lb)

Arm & Hammer Double Duty/Super Scoop  14 lbs = $14.20  ($1.01 a lb) / 40 Lbs = $41.99 ($1.05 a lb)

World's Best Cay Litter, 15 lb, Clumping Formula = $14.49  (96.6¢ / lb)

World's Best Cat Litter, 28 lb, Clumping Formula = $24.95  (89.1¢ / lb)

World's Best Cat Litter Multiple Cat Clumping Formula, 8 lbs = $8.48 ($1.06 / lb)

Special Kitty: Natural Cat Litter, 25 Lb = $3.87  (15.5¢ / lb)

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