Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thinking of Life's Future

Stick with what you believe, do not change your spots, however it helps to have an open mind to possibilities and there is always the reality of life, forever changing.

I doubt anyone will ever understand the Human Mind.  But then would they be right, if they did.  How would you know.

Space is Infinite

It's still possible the universe is finite...the observable universe is huge, but it has limits.   That's because we know the universe isn't infinitely old — we know the Big Bang occurred some 13.8 billion years ago.

How do we know it occurred 13+ billion years ago...and then who cares really.

My Analogy of Space is Infinite...if Space is Infinite, how is that possible.  If it was possible for a human to travel infinitely and they reached the End of Space, how Thick is that End and What is On the Other Side.

As we know a room however big or small, has walls, so you can see the end, you can walk through a doorway and see how thick the end/wall of the room is and once through that door, what is on the other side.

If in Space, and there is no End/Wall, how is that possible.

Sure Scientist speak of a Black Hole

The gravitational field becomes so strong that not even light can escape, rendering the region where the star used to be profoundly dark: a black hole. ... As you go deeper into the black hole, space becomes ever more curvy until, at the center, it becomes infinitely curved.

Then how do they know, and have they ever been in a black hole.

Human's, I include male & female, tend to want to have an answer for everything, a label, a name or reason of why it is or came to be.

For the short period we are here, make the best of it, learn, enjoy in learning, be kind, thoughtful, considerate of others, respectful, communicate, and experience life your way.

Do Not Worry What is on the Other Side...

...Humans or more specifically Man, as I actually do not know from the beginning of the Human Race, Women had this about them as Man does...genetically or heredity being the factor or difference of the sexes.

For Man is Discovery, finding an Explanation, Reason or Purpose things happen, and naturally to Name and Label i.e. the Fire of GOD or whatever.  

My Other Points are Open for Discussion, comes into play of Communication and should be by all those affected...Humans and Animal Life, only with Animals they do not have a voice, unless by Humans who care.

Does it make Life different if You Knew what is on the Other Side, be it Space or Death.

Not getting into Religion...Humans need an answer as in what does happen, maybe not all Humans when did Religion begin, any religion who really knows.

So any Religion might have or is the way of their Life, what to believe.

The world has an estimated population of about 7.8 Trillion the World any better than when it had 1 Million People.

No One Probably Cares.

Obviously if anyone wished to believe Religion is the way to go, a better life, then look at history and how religion (a particular system of faith and worship, which has been a controversial and complicated subject) has been the center of conflicts/wars...

...just as politics (the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.)

People say what is the world coming to.  Who knows that either.  We will not be around to see it.

So what about Space, the only possible reason to so that Life Survives somewhere if not here on Earth.

As we know a Room can only hold so much...same of Earth's Surface...with Global Warming, another item on my list that Humans are not heeding.

Climate Change will and does affect Life as we know it.

Sadly a stronger Planet Birth Control, would be of great help, in extending Earth's longevity.

Another biggie in the world is fossil fuels...population growth, the amount of vehicles ground, rail, air, sea, space, require fuel of some sort only grows with the need for fuel to keep our Military protecting the Borders of the United States, and out allies grows...otherwise Ships/Submarines many being nuclear, Aircraft, Vehicles and Satellites go no where.  A Country who might hold more fuel cards could Win.

So Energy required comes in fossil fuel (coal, oil and natural gas) other gases (methane, liquefied petroleum, methanol, ethanol, hydrogen), electricity in the need for batteries.

Electricity appears to be the direction of the Automotive Industry - which requires Coal and Gas burned to heat water and turn it into steam.  The steam, at a very high pressure, is then used to spin a turbine moving magnets cause electrons in the wires to move from one place to another, creating an electrical current and producing electricity.

Take away Coal and Gas, you are left with nothing...wait there is Solar Power...does the flight deck of an Aircraft Carrier become one giant Solar Panel.  And for that Sunshine on a Cloudy Day, then what.

Nuclear Power - is dangerous.  Apart from the waste, nuclear power production can lead to cancer clusters and potentially catastrophic disasters or accidents.  Even small amounts of radiation exposure may be harmful.

Use of nuclear fission, nuclear decay and nuclear fusion reactions, that release nuclear energy to generate heat, which most frequently is then used in steam turbines to produce electricity.

Some things are of Common if Solar or Electricity becomes the main fuel to create Transportation of a vehicle with a form of propulsion as in a motor.

Even today, we hear of Rolling BlackOuts - the last-resort measure used by an electric utility company to avoid a total blackout of the power system.

Rolling BlackOuts are a measure of demand response if the demand for electricity exceeds the power supply capability of the network.

So what happens if the Network aka Grid is do you charge your Vehicle of any type...what about Mass Transportation Buses, Trains, Aircraft, Boats.

We may see the diminish of Small Aircraft, skies becoming too cluttered with the addition of Drones.

A Drone can stop the Fire Fighting efforts of Aircraft Bombers, possibly the use of Police Aircraft in pursuit or hovering an active crime scene.  Medical Aircraft from responding or transporting.

I believe Communications require Electricity...911 Emergency, what is your Emergency Sir/Ma'am and the line goes dead.  I will contact the Police/Fire/Hospital by Computer, sorry no power.

Electric Company, we are sorry you have not paid your bill.  We know the COVID Pandemic is affecting everyone, when can we expect payment Sir/Ma'am

I think about a lot of things, and daily.  Which is part of be prepared, and mentally prepared Murphy's Law Applies as well.

I do not look at what I have shared to be depressing, if anything proactive, invigorating, to remain Optimistic and Positive...however not out of sight out of mind.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Virtual Apple for the Teacher

 One may ask "Was COVID-19 an Accident or Intentionally released?

If by accident, imagine what an intentional biological virus (a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism) release could do.

Teachers working from home, miss out on Interaction with their fellow Students.

Students miss out on socializing experiences, as music/band, sports, team work, game rivalry & competition, wood shop, auto mechanics, other social activities that a School has to offer as PT Physical Fitness, General Assembly, Parent Teacher Conference, School Counselors, Planning for the Future, School Dance, Prom Night, Graduation.

If Traditional Schooling does not Return...Students forever Home, year round school ?, with or without Parenting or Supervision, Child Care & Sitters.  What happens to Soccer Moms, Football & Baseball Dads ?

Turn in your Homework, Testing Papers & Grading.  You have no Graded Paper to be proud of and hang on the refrigerator, to frame, so much would be lost without Traditional Schools.

No more going to the Principal or VP office when in trouble, as I had a few times.  

What about School Buses, Bus Drivers, Bus Maintenance and Mechanics.  School Libraries and the Librarian, Student Librarians,   Custodial Staff

Street Crossing Lights turned off, No School Crossing Guards.

Home Life Environment, stable home, siblings, pets, other distractions as everyone is home 24/7.  Nutrition, Good Sleep Habits, it is a School Night do not stay up late, playing outside away from other children, video games, television, etc.

How do you ditch a Class or School, by going to the Mall or a Friends home.

Lunch Programs, School Cafeterias, Food Service Workers and Staff.

How will a School District work, knowing where all the students live (their parentage), those coming of school age, new to the school district, that of Private Schools, Home Schooling, to enforce education regulations.

Does COVID-19 mean less crime on the streets, neighborhoods, drug dealers, do more children sneak out of their homes at all hours of the night to meet up with friends (I did)

A New World, a Big Change almost all at once...and not even a bomb drop, nor troop deployment to fight this virus...are deployed to assist the Medical Professions and their Facilities, our City & County Governments, across our Nation. 

First Responders as well, are overworked, Law Enforcement, a heavy burden has been placed on Professionals, Employers, Employees, Skilled Workers, Business Owners, Home, Apartment, Hotel, Motel, Owners.

How do you prepare Students at High School Level for Careers in the Medical Professions, to replenish the need for more Legal Administrators, Attorneys, Banking & Financial, Police & Fire, Jails & Prisons, Probation & Parole.

Most Important are Teachers...COVID-19 would/could make more difficult for New Teachers to Amerge.

Synchronous learning is when classes occur on set schedules and time frames. Students and instructors are online at the same time in synchronous classes since lectures, discussions, and presentations take place at specific hours.  

All students must be online at that exact time in order to participate in the class.

From a Teacher Friend Their Perspective in how Virtual Remote Teaching affected them.

Trust me teaching during remote learning was no day at the beach.  

There was the typical teaching responsibilities and so much more!  

We held Zoom and Google Meets meetings with kids and parents just to guide them through the technology and ins and outs of Google Classroom.  

I put more time into remote learning, day to day than a regular school day.

There's also all the special ed aspect of meetings, paperwork-DocuSign (parents had a hard time with that), paperwork was compounded because we had to make remote learning plans, approval of these plans, it went on and on.  

The really awful part to me was 3 months worth of paperwork had to be printed and filed.  Three months of meeting paperwork that is usually taken care of right after the meeting at school. 

It's very true there's a lot that is lost in remote learning.  

The whole hands-on, multi-sensory lesson experience is gone and you can't really replicate that on a computer.  

Kids miss being in the routine of school-even those who don't love academics.  

As you said it is the socializing and enrichment that is also lacking.  

In our district the librarian, music, art, phys ed, and computer class are considered specials and they do take place online, but of course it is not the same.  We even had field day, with kids participating in their yards.

Yes, many jobs must be affected, depending on the school district.  

Kids aren't so motivated to work from home, so that adds another layer of working with the already stressed out family on. 

Kids do stay up way too late when they're home and then we're trying to work around their waking hours-ugh!

How much longer can this go on, will this be the Future of America ?