Monday, December 10, 2018

Black Friday Cyber Monday Green Monday Blue-itis

Black Friday: an informal name for the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the USA, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

Cyber Monday: a marketing term for the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday in the USA.  Created by retailers to encourage people to shop online.

Green Monday: an online retail industry term similar to Cyber Monday.  The term was coined by eBay in 2007 to describe the best sales day in December, usually the second Monday of December.

Blue Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: every day of the year inundated with Buy Buy Buy, Spend Spend Spend develops long term Blue-itis, due to Lack of Funds, Extreme Credit Card Debt, Bankruptcy, Alcoholism, Overdoses, Shop Lifting, Porch Pirates, Robberies, Burglaries, In-Home Invasions, Extreme Medical Treatment & Prescription Costs.

Experienced by Most Every American Home, with More People wanting to come to America and the American way of life or simply a unique lifestyle of the People of the United States of America.  It refers to a nationalist ethos that adheres to the principle of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

I feel the American Economy is over Stimulated with No Relief in Sight. Donate to the USA Deficit Blue Collar, White & Pink Collar Workers...even if you are Seeing RED !

Monday, November 5, 2018

America The Big Picture - A Country of Immigrants

A Country of Immigrants - Reasons For Leaving their Home Land are Many - People Say if You Do Not Like it Here, Leave !!!  And Go Where is My First Thought, if this is the Greatest Nation in the World.

What is the American Dream - Moreover "What Was the American Dream"


Migrant Caravan(s) of up to 8,000 headed to the US...POTUS Trump is sending up to 15,000 Troops to our Border.

Some Locals Along the Border, even some Vietnam Vets say, they do not need Troops, this is not an Invasion.

Others say a "Waste of Tax Payers Dollars"

Reality is, if the Caravans make it to the Border and make Entry, how much does/will it Cost the Taxpayers to Apprehend, Detain and Deport Back ?

As of 2014 the Estimated Undocumented Immigrants living in the U.S. = 11 million

DO UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS have a Right to Due Process ?

Yes. Courts have consistently held that anyone on United States soil is protected by the Constitution’s right to due process, even if they illegally entered the country, though people generally have greater legal protections inside the country than at the border.

Due Process allows people to exercise the legal rights and court processes afforded to them by American law, and it allows them to contest an action proposed by the government in front of a neutral decision maker, like a judge.


People accused of illegally entering the United States begin a long legal process of lengthy hearings which may end in rapid deportations or eventual release. The process usually starts with an arrest.

Those Illegally in the U.S. or those who have overstayed their visas may be deported through the expedited removal process.

Expedited removal orders can’t be appealed to a judge, but individuals can claim the orders were improperly issued and ask the government to review and dismiss them.


Arrested individuals can be detained if ICE decides to pursue removal.  The agency assesses the security and safety risk of individuals to decide whether bond should be granted or if they may be released on their own recognizance.  Individuals are detained in immigration detention centers or other contracted prisons.

Any way you Look at it or Slice It...Bottom Line...Everything Cost the Taxpayer.


Not to Mention How Many U.S. Jobs have Gone to Other those Coming to America for a Better Life, What Jobs are Available ?

For American Citizens What Jobs Are Available ?...Medical Care & Health Insurance another Big Issue for American Citizens.  Whose Plan. Cost and Coverage.

Lets not Forget Welfare and Unemployment...Who Pays for This ?  And are there Undocumented & Illegal’s already Benefiting from these Programs.

Education for those of the Migrant Caravan if they do make it or allowed in the U.S.

What About Housing ?   Then of the Already Number of Homeless in America over 600,000 - 1,500,000  live on the streets, in cars, in homeless shelters, or in subsidized transitional housing.

Social Security Long Term (which is constantly threatened) What Age, How Much will be Your Benefit and At The Time You Retire, What Will Be the Cost of Living ?

As America's Population Grows, a Country to Survive needs Economy (the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services.  Careful management of available resources, offering the best value for the money), Housing, Education, Health Care, Jobs, Retirement, Expansion of Roads/Highways, More Traffic, Longer Rush Hours, What About Farming & Ranching, with 4 types of Industry 

1) Primary industry involves getting raw materials e.g. mining, farming and fishing.  
2) Secondary industry involves manufacturing e.g. making vehicles and steel.  3) Tertiary Industries provide a service e.g. teaching and nursing.  
4) Quaternary Industry involves research and development industries...

For all that you need Land and without Land, Room to Expand/Grow - Does this Mean Reverse Immigration ?  How Many a Year Flee America for Other Countries...why is there a Need for An Outer-Space Program, as the Inner Space becomes Contaminated from Pollution and Gases i.e. Carbon monoxide (CO) a gas that can kill you quickly. It is called the silent killer because it is colorless, odorless, tasteless and non-irritating.

Global Warming is it Real ?   Will Our Seas Rise, Land Mass become Less, Too Cold or Too Hot....Extreme climate events covering the Earth in solid Water and also Ice.

Being Human means to Err, commonly defined as a failure of a planned action to achieve a desired outcome.

Human Behavior the way humans act and interact.  It is based on and influenced by several factors, such as genetic make-up, culture and individual values and attitudes.

Some Humans may be Quick to Blame something/someone for Failure or a Decline one might have anticipated being a deviation from intention, expectation or desirability.