How Dumb is this Idea, Flying Cars, with 253 million cars and trucks on U.S. roads and 2015 brought biggest percent increase in U.S. traffic deaths in 50 years you want to put Cars in the Air !!! ???

Besides the Congestion on our Freeways, Highways, City Streets, bumper to bumper traffic, stop and go, fuel consumption. Lets add Cars with possibly having mechanical issues, running out of fuel or mid-air collisions over our heads.
This is the wave of the future in commuting to work ? Parking is bad enough, so you fly downtown above the vehicles on the ground, watch out for the bridges, over-passes, towers, and you land retract the rotor blades, get into traffic to park...hoping you do not chop off some body parts of pedestrians. Or do all these Flying Cars land on rooftop parking spaces?
We have drivers now reading & eating behind the wheel, talking/texting on the phone and other distracted driving acts causing accidents.
There are Maintenance when there are drivers who do not maintain their vehicles, and lets not forget the Drunk Intoxicated Under Influence Driver, Flying a Car !!!???
Auto-Insurance, Auto-Flying-Car Insurance? Of which there are Drivers who are Non-Compliant in having all.
How does the Police pursue a Flying Car, with ground units and a helicopter.
Then you have Drones Flying, which could cause a problem too...and when there is a Mid-Air or a Single Crash, the debris has to land somewhere, tying up traffic, house on fire, school yard...imagine calling in the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) to investigate.
I think someone is flying or driving with their head in a cloud or up their