Monday, May 30, 2016

Disoriented, Distracted or Fatigue Drivers

Disoriented or Fatigue/Dozing off driver of a Semi Tractor Trailer Rig here in Utah 29 May killing the 57 yr old Driver, not clear at this time, what caused the driver to drift off the side of the road.   Fatigue plays a part in up to 7500 fatal motor vehicle crashes year.
The scene of a fatal crash in Cache County on May 29, 2016. Images courtesy Utah Highway Patrol. 

For some reason while sleeping I began dreaming about being a Truck Driver, which I have driven Trucks of all sizes and weights, especially Airfield Crash Fire Rigs, Brush & Structural Fire Engines for 24 yrs. 

I know the feeling of dozing off, drifting all too often driving over 450 mi a day from 12:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. over countless city and desert roads/highways/freeways between Chino to Los Angeles to Trona, to San Bernardino to Barstow and back to Chino making delivers.

With today's technology and automobile collision avoidance & warning system, many of these Fatality & Serious Injury Crashes might be prevented, and the same for Automobiles, Pick-up Trucks, Vans & SUV/CRV's...

...could do the same for Semi-Trucks/Rigs, with an added device so Most drivers required to follow the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) HOS Regulations (Hours of Service) if they drive a commercial motor vehicle, or CMV, would prevent them from driving.

FMCSA's Hours of Service of Drivers Final Rule was published in the Federal Register on December 27, 2011.

A device/system to detect Driver's Alertness might auto-pull the Vehicle to safety and park, not allowing the vehicle is driven further without Law Enforcement to respond and make the determination/status of the driver and who can re-set this device/system.  In addition the Trucking Business would be contacted to respond their own Safety Officer and possibly a relief driver.

Nothing is fail-safe (causing a piece of machinery or other mechanism to revert to a safe condition in the event of a breakdown or malfunction & a system or plan that comes into operation in the event of something going wrong or that is there to prevent such an occurrence).

It is a start in the right direction. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Drones - EMP - Laser - Pursuits - UAV

With the onset of Drones now available to the Public, commercially or recreational drones are everywhere.   Are Drones Taking Over ?   Our National Security is it in Jeopardy ?

Invasion of Privacy comes to mind, although Aircraft & Satellites fly overhead an have for many years, we may not give them a second thought.  We see in the News Drones used to film/photograph an event, landscape, observation, surveillance, an issue/problem with Air Traffic.

Rogue drone operators are becoming a nuisance, invading airspace , private property and of the public.  Used to drop drugs at prisons, or weapons, nearly colliding with Aircraft, interfering with Aerial Fire Fighting, injuring people, flying into buildings/skyscrapers, even automobiles and runaway Drones.

From intelligence bulletin, the Department of Homeland Security said it had recorded more than 500 incidents since 2012 in which rogue drones hovered over “sensitive sites and critical installations,” such as military bases and nuclear plants.  In one well-publicized case in January 2015, a drone crashed onto the White House grounds.

Pursuits by Law Enforcement, especially in Los Angeles County and surrounding Counties & Communities...televised drawing thousands of viewers to their TV screens.   

High or even Low Speed Pursuits, endangering Lives and Property...Law Enforcement needs EMP Guns and the same can be used for Drones, or a Laser EMP Gun or a directed-energy weapon (DEW) to Zap the Electrical Components of a Vehicle, stopping them almost instantly, as it disables a car's microprocessors, chips, and whatever other electronics are keeping it running.  No need for spikes or shooting the tires out or worse.

EMP Guns Can be used by Helicopter Pilots, Ground Units, or Law Enforcement Drones.

The E2V RF Safe-Stop electromagnetic pulse gun can stop a car engine by shorting the vehicle's electronic circuitry.

EMP Cannon

EMP Weapons - U.S. Air Force and Boeing electromagnetic pulse weapon, capable of targeting and destroying electrical systems without the collateral damage often associated with traditional firepower.

HERF Gun - Microwave HERF (high-energy radio frequency) gun

Drone:  the male of the honeybee and other bees, sting-less and making no honey.  A person who lives on the labor of others; parasitic loafer or any unmanned aircraft or ship that is guided remotely

EMP - ElectroMagnetic Pulse:  sometimes called a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy.  Such a pulse's origination may be a natural occurrence or man-made and can occur as a radiated, electric or magnetic field or a conducted electric current, depending on the source.  EMP interference is generally disruptive or damaging to electronic equipment, and at higher energy levels a powerful EMP event such as a lightning strike can damage physical objects such as buildings and aircraft structures.  Weapons have been developed to create the damaging effects of high-energy EMP.  These are typically divided into nuclear and non-nuclear devices.  Such weapons, both real and fictional, have become known to the public by means of popular culture.

Laser:  a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation.  The term "laser" originated as an acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation"

Pursuit: an effort to secure or attain, to hunt, chase

UAV - Unmanned Aircraft or Aerial  Vehicle:  an aircraft that can navigate without a human pilot on board; a drone

I am interested in EMP/Laser Guns, (2nd Amendment), as you never know when a Drone comes flying and hovering over your home, while camping, or at a family event or the Boom Box Car that drowns out Sirens...Zap It !!  

Shock wave generators are capable of producing focused acoustic or electromagnetic energy that can break up objects such as kidney stones and other similar materials. 

EMP generators can produce pulses of electromagnetic energy that can destroy the sensitive electronics in computers and microprocessors.  

Destabilized LCR circuits can produce multi megawatt pulses by using an explosive wire disruptive switch. These high power pulses can be coupled "with difficulty" into antennas, conic sections, horns etc for very directional effects. 

Research is currently being undertaken to disable vehicles thus avoiding dangerous high speed chases.  The trick is to generate a high enough power pulse to fry the electronic control processor modules without creating collateral damage to unintended targets.  This could be a lot simpler if the vehicle was covered in plastic or fiber glass rather than metal. 

The shielding of the metal body offers a challenge to the researcher to develop a practical system. A system could be built that could do this but would be costly, large and produce collateral damage to friendly targets.

All in All, we need to Stand By Law Enforcement, and FAA to help interrupt Pursuits, Reduce Rogue Drone Operators, from potentially being worse than a Bird Strike killing all aboard in order to save Lives and protect our Families and Friends. 

Sadly, no matter how many Laws are Written regarding Gun Control, the Criminal will still have Guns, just as there will be Unregistered & Registered Drones used Illegally, the war on Illegal Drugs will never end, nor will Wars.