It is hard being a President, it requires a Team of leaders, working for
the best interest of Our Great Country.
I will not say it matters
either way who voted for President Obama, however we are American's who do not
always share the same views, can agree on the same thing, and as we have
seen "Many Fingers Pointing" blame on one another or others.
For the People
Over 238 yrs later, with wars, conflicts, issues with immigration,
health, our Social Security Program dating back to May 1937, Medicare
our nations Social Insurance program since 1966...
...since WWI, many social programs have come about for Veterans, The Poor,
1929 during the Great Depression Workers Compensation Laws came in
effect for all but 4 states, 1932, our Government made loans, grants to
States to pay direct relief and work relief. 1935 Franklin D
Roosevelt's administration proposed to Congress federal social relief
and sponsored retirement programs, then came Social Security.
1960, the War on Poverty, 1996 Welfare Reform point is...we are
still a Young Nation and Growing.
Our Nation is made up of Emigrants,
and of those naturally who are Native and Born here...our Presidents have been
Partying since before 1789, these Parties have been defined as Independent, Federalist,
National Union, National Republican, Whig, Democratic-Republican,
Democratic and our Country has been led by Men of these parties...
Which the Democratic Party have served as president, governing for a total of 85 years, Republican Party have served as president, governing for 88 years in total and Four members of the Democratic-Republican Party have governed for a total of 28 years = 201 years
By The People
So not one Person or Man if you will, has resolved all of America's
Issues within Our Own Government that Americans Vote for.
So the past, current and future Presidents will carry this burden in some way or have Americans pointing fingers.
Whether any American like it or not, Barack Obama has been our
President for 5 yrs., and had America elected John McCain & Sarah Palin in 2008, and in 2012 Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would America be any different ?
19th Amendment August 18, 1920, Women Right to
Vote and there are at least 75 million Women of voting age of the 163
million females in America. So do we point the finger at Women who do
not/have not voted since 1921.
Here is a thought, if someone was to wave the Flag saying
all Illegal Emigrants in the USA as of 1 August 2014 are American
Citizens and have the Right to Vote in 2016.
Whomever is in the Presidency seat be any different on how are Nation would be handled and ran?
Of The People
Who are some of the biggest abusers of not only Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, Workers Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, Political Office, or other entities as business or governmental organizations, it is not only the ones wearing a suit & tie, skirt/dress & blouse, in those positions of management, sometimes it is those who cry out the loudest...I am not pointing, just stating a known fact...if the pockets/purse/wallet are heavy, and the shoe fits ?
From what I heard in the media once, is that the British and Chinese own
the most land and businesses in America today.
Then we have Our Nations Dept
of $14+ Trillion, and it was thought China and Japan, own most of America's $14.3 trillion in government debt, that might not be true.
While the Chinese, Japanese and plenty of other foreigners own
substantial amounts, it's really Americans who hold most of America's
debt. America owes foreigners about $4.5 trillion in debt. But America
owes America $9.8 trillion.
While America out-sources to other Countries, are there any Foreign Countries out-sourcing to America.
We cannot afford to keep intervening when things ago array abroad. Besides the Cost to Taxpayers, there is the affect it has on our Troops, and their
Families, also who Vote.
If We the People keep sending Americans into Combat, what
Family is wanting to Vote with the chance their Sons/Daughters/Spouses
may go into Combat.
Look at the Veteran Administration scandal now, in how Our Veterans are being treated.
If we do not get a handle now on our
Borders, will we see the poverty levels of America begin to equal the
country in which Emigrants left. We do not have the jobs, and of the jobs available now and not filled now, why.
With an Exodus (influx) of Emigrants how will this affect our Education
System...if most Emigrants from other Countries are illiterate,
illiteracy brings on child labor, ignorance can = racism, hatred, create violence, the rise of crime, etc.
Lack of Education leaves those in a vulnerable position, not able to socialize, find jobs,
which affect Crime at all Levels, institutionalization & over crowding, and the Cost
to the Taxpayer for Care for those incarcerated, and the programs if they were to
receive rehabilitation in the form of education and work
experience...but they need the social skills as well to be released back into
society and not become repeat offenders. Their families need training
and education as well in aiding them to deal with their children of any age being released.
To Be Continued by People
So you can see the domino effect in many areas if our Politicians keep
Pointing the Finger, with 4 fingers pointing back at them...and here these Politicians act like children in the Media, what an example they are setting
for all to see and World Wide too.
My Description of our Politicians: they tend to prattle, suck on their finger and point aimlessly at others. Can the Same Be Said for You