Monday, November 25, 2013

Step into My World - Part I

It all began at 2 a.m., or was it 11:23 p.m., or 1:15 am, I forget I was asleep and dreaming.  I began to write down my thoughts, otherwise I forget them minutes/hours later.  One thought of mine was, why can't we record our dreams and our thoughts as they day it may happen in the New Age...the 21st Century

I saw my Heart Doctor 19 Nov, a Doctor from Ghana...he asked if I had been active, I answered as in Radio Active, no no, exercising, getting out and doing something while the weather is good, before the dead of Winter.  Wow Doctor I thought, the D word coming from my Heart Doctor.   I am very active, or at least my Mind is, so far I made it to 66.

Today for us Senior's there is the Computer, if we crossed over from Pencil/Pen and Paper and know how to use a Computer, then for what?   The World of Technology is not just for Men, nor has the Mechanical/Industrial World been.

Most of you may know me somewhat, know that I spend most of my time Online with genealogy research, answering e-mails, updating my websites, posting to Facebook, and I begin to think...hoping the following brings about thoughts, ideas and that you are not alone. much time does a person spend using the social networking website Facebook or Twitter & the many other Social Media sites and  "If the boss knew how much time you spent shopping online or Facebooking, do you think he or she would be happy?"

Since I no longer work, retired not by choice, Mary is my boss, she is not the Undercover Boss, the word Boss has many definitions one is "the hub of a propeller" the origin of Boss from the Middle English word boce, 14th century.  

Sorry my Mind is wondering...Mary is the "Hub of my World" as she has become since 2002.

Is Facebook a form of a Daily Diary, or putting a Face with a Name, as in writing a book as you describe a Character, and you begin to imagine what this person looks like.

Or should I be of another type of Social Media "The Blog" which I have those.  Or is Facebook a Blog as it is "a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.

The phrase "Build it and they Will Come", said by a disembodied voice in the movie "Field of Dreams"...well I created a Blog and no one came.

The Computer has become my Field of Dreams, opening a World of Knowledge  and keeping in touch with old and new friends of the past and present.  Look at all that a Computer can do...with someone at the keyboard or if programmed to run tasks automatically.  For some a Computer can be very confusing or overwhelming.

Having an Open Mind, and accepting the way of the Future helps at any age.  Which brings me back to why I began writing notes down at 2 a.m. as my Mind does not shut off...and in the last few weeks I began watching TV shows as Nikita and Fringe, thinking these may cause me to dream I Dream constantly between 9 p.m. - 6 a.m. then comes the many wake ups for the LBR.

I can never get back to the same Dream to where I left it a wonderful moment or one of action, like in the Movies or TV I am not a Super Hero...however I do feel sometimes I am in 2 Worlds or Universes, like on Fringe, a parallel or Alternate Universe, when dreaming.

from the show Fringe is a map in the Secretary of Defense's office labeled Department of Defense.  Which could be the Differences Between the Alternate Universe and the Prime Universe.  It is not evident that the map is a complete representation of United States internal and external borders, or simply a map of Department of Defense jurisdictional boundaries.

What the show Fringe depicts, actually have happened and we do not know it?I worked for the Department of Defense for 24+ years...the show Nikita & Fringe both are technologically advanced, part of which is today real, and could be the Future...asking myself how much of what we view on these shows or day will be real.

Some of us may know from the days of Buck Rogers, a fictional character who first appeared in Armageddon 2419 A.D. by Philip Francis Nowlan in the August 1928, 
paralleling the development of space technology in the 20th century and  introduced Americans to outer space as a familiar environment.

Today we know of Space Travel, the quest for Mars & beyond 
is Real...and it can be said what we watch, read, imagine, dream about, share of our thoughts and minds....can become reality.  

Many items used to day are a result of someone's Mind and Skills in making, also come from that of Movies & TV shows.    

Subconscious Mind Power, 
affirmations are believed to harness the power of the subconscious to influence a person's life.   Subconscious a term to become prominent in New Age, a Western spiritual movement that developed in the second half of the 20th century.   Spiritual/Spirituality lacks a definitive definition is of or relating to a person's spirit or relating to supernatural beings or phenomena.

We all are remain alive : to continue to live : to continue to exist and please always strive to have Hope, a New Dawn and believe in Yourself, along with your other beliefs in Life.

Life takes on many changes, not always with the same outcome...we couldn't have foreseen the consequences of our actions.

My Life is something I would never of imagined having, nor what it was to become "My Future" unfolding a different path since 1992, that I could of foresaw or how it would affect others, including myself.

There are books about aging, which I doubt could of or can prepare us for this time in Life, as we begin aging.  We may have seen our parents & grand parents age, or others around us that we know.  Unless you are able to walk in another's shoes or be that person, it is hard to put in words these experiences & feelings they have lived and are living.

Our Past shapes our Future...Each and every one of us are Unique in Our Own Way, and how Life affects us.  It is hard to stay Positive 100%, not everyone can, however please work at staying Positive, as the saying goes, "We Do Not Know What the Future Holds" and one part of Life is evident.

Talking and Sharing is good, this process provides Hope, Ideas and Understanding within ourselves and from others we care about, listen, share and talk.  

Look at what some of us have experienced in our Life Time, events in the World, it is amazing to be living in a time that we witnessed TV,  the Computer, SmartPhones, traveling in Space, to the Moon, International Space Station, beginning the Journey to Mars, and the ever changing of Medical Wonders to name a few.

The Computer is a great tool in this area, t
he World is at Your Fingertips, and what Social Media, E-Mails, Blogs / Web-blogging, sharing of Photo's, Video's, Links of our Interest as with Pinterest, Facebook, etc. provide are great. Bringing many together.

Not everyone has Artistic Talents, can Sing, Dance, Run, Jump, Play, Work, let the Computer be the way to develop other Talents you might not know you have and communicate.  

One day we may be communicating with a Friend or Family in Space, the Universe Beyond or with the Reality of their World.

Keeping your Mind Active is very important to your Health & Future...keep moving, doing, continue to learn, grow, dream and never give up...

...I was not there in the last years of my Mother's Life, or of my Oldest Son, same for 2 of my 3 Sisters and much more I missed out on...

...Cherish your Family & Friends, do not let it be Too Late...even if someone says it is Never Too thing is for sure, Somethings are Too Positive Memories for Family & Friends, communicate and share.

5:28 am

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How is Our Health as a Nation ?

Does it matter who is behind Our Nations Health Care, and why Politicians Point Fingers, or who is in Charge of Our case some have not noticed "We The People" are.

Does it matter the facts or statistics as with Health care facilities that are largely owned and operated by private sector businesses.  62% of the hospitals are non-profit, 20% are government owned, 18% are for-profit.  American's spend more for Health Care, leaving us Ranked at 48% of other Nations in 2011.

47 million Americans hit by food stamp cuts starting Nov 2013, as a temporary boost to the federal program comes to an end without a new budget from a deadlocked Congress to replace it.

Does it matter that America's National Debt is at  $17,197,824,760,459 plus some change.  America is still recovering from the 2008 Recession, and no one wants Taxes raised.  A very busy Debt Clock keeps ticking away.

But there is some good news Congratulations, America! Your deficit fell 37 percent in 2013

Does it matter that Our Government had to shut down, American's are laid off or on Furlough indefinitely. Now comes the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget are we heading for another Recession, does Our Government plan on Increasing Deficit Spending or is Our Government headed for another Shutdown that Will Only Make The Budget Deficit Worse in 2014

History of the US Debt 1790-2013

Whose Fault is it Anyway ?  So who has the Answer ?  as the words were spoken on 19 Nov 1863, 150 years ago yesterday "and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Rising Health Costs is a plague, as is our Nations Spending, it has become an addiction while Our Nation goes deeper in debt...

....and there are those wanting to be an American, have the American Dream, Our Way of Life, to believe in America, Defend America, Stand Up and Be Counted as an America

At the same time there are People that blame those on who do not Vote, and of those who do not with the consequences of not Voting.

However look where the Vote has gotten American's...and yet American's will still is it those American's who do Vote are to blame or those who have not Voted ?  

If born in the US, you are automatically an American, or had a parent or parents who were citizens at the time of your birth and born of a foreign land you work & study to become an American Naturalized Citizen you must be able to read, write, and speak English.  You must also possess a knowledge and understanding of U.S. History and Government.  Citizenship & Immigration Services

Nothing states you Must Vote or Work, nor do you have to Join the Military, I believe the word Freedom plays a big part.  

Just as American's die in conflicts/battles and wars for the Right to Vote or Not Vote, the American Way, the American Dream, Freedom of /for the Life of a Person living on US Soil.

Even if every American voted, and as a Nation does not get it right, whose to blame then ?

Divide and Conquer or Rule, a way to win, which is not a position America wants to find themselves or America Divided.

We will never know if in any Presidential Election, if the running opponent that was not elected, i.e. 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2010, if Bush or Perot, Dole or Perot, Gore, Kerry, McCain, Romney, whether Republican or Democrat had won that America would of been better off.

As just in those elections 4 Presidents were Democrat and 2 were Republican.  Which Party do you blame ?

...has the quality of life become any better since the Cold War 1947 to 1991, Korean War 1950-1953, , Vietnam Conflict or War 1955-1975, Post-Cold War Era 1991-2001, War on Terrorism 2001-Present 

and their is the "War on Drugs", a term popularized by the media shortly after a press conference in June 1971 by President Richard Nixon when he declared drug abuse "public enemy number one."

Conflicts/Wars, are a inevitable way of life, since the beginning of time or Our Nation's beginning.  

You may hear "What is the World Coming To" every time unpleasant news comes to light.  

"We the People" one could say is to blame...since the US Constitution was ratified (approved) by nine states on 21 Jun 1788.

How is the Weather ?

Recently in the News Oct-Nov 2013, has been Typhoon's, Cyclone's, Hurricanes and Tornadoes - I hope the following is informative

Tornado Alley is a colloquial term for the area of the United States where tornadoes are most frequent.   

I see from Maps that Tornado Alley is not the same as the Tornado Belt as some may refer to a region where Tornadoes hit as  Northern Texas Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska & South Dakota...

....has the Alley shifted ?, becoming wider as a Belt to include Illinois and Indiana skipping over Missouri ?

Severe weather erupted throughout the Midwest on Sunday afternoon, with tornadoes tearing through several cities in Missouri and Illinois.

Reading the news, it is/was reported as 16 Tornadoes, or 23, 26 or as follows "Throughout the region, at least 67 tornadoes had been reported as of 10:15 p.m. Sunday, the National Weather Service said."

So which is it, how many Tornadoes ?, and why do those continue to live in these areas, same of the areas hardest hit by Hurricanes and is this because of Global Warming or Something more ?  

Tornado Chasers

Even in the Pacific the Strongest Typhoon of the Year Slams Philippines "Typhoon Haiyan Yolanda" 7-10 Nov.

You hear of Cyclones and Hurricanes too, is there a difference..."Hurricanes, Cyclones, and Typhoons are all the same weather phenomenon; just that they are different names for these storms in different places, Alantic, Northeast Pacific, and the Northwest & South Pacific, and Indian Ocean regions.

This phenomenon per NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 

National Hurricane Center
Hurricane Warnings and Forecasts
Atlantic hurricane season (June 1 - November 30)

NWS (National Weather Service) with an interactive map of the USA, click on your State/Region

Lets hope, does not have website issues as has had.  
However, who signs up for a Hurricane, Tornadoes, etc.