Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cable TV vs Roku & Streaming Video Subscriptions

As with any subscription/membership may vary, and why there are so many to choose from.  There is never "THE ANSWER" we seek as to which is better and why.  Evaluate your needs, your budget, what you can live with or without. 

I dropped Comcast Cable = $822 annual TV, + Internet total $587 annually = $1409 a year, now I pay $39.99 + tax a month for Fast Internet Service and...

...I now have a Roku's at each TV a one time cost, with memberships to Netflix $8.54, Hulu Plus $7.99 and Crackle which is Free = about $17 a month.

Just recently I added the Amazon Prime channel via Roku and with the savings of $68+ from not having Cable TV, I now pay $23 for streaming video, a savings of $45 a month.  Which in 3-4 months pays for having the Roku 3 & 2 XD's that I purchased from Amazon, a one time cost.

I now pay $78.50 a month for Internet, Amazon Prime, Netflix and Hulu Plus.  And Roku has many more Free Channels you can add.

Who can live without the Internet & for those who raised their hands to they could live without the Internet if you are reading this you have Internet access on someone's computer or device.

I shop at it is natural to have Amazon Prime, you get Free 2 Day Shipping on Millions of Items Unlimited Instant Streaming of 41,000+ Movies & TV Episodes for about $6.70 a month.

And over 350,000 Kindle titles to borrow for free...and if you do not own a Kindle, you can still get the books using the Android App.

So for what I paid for Cable TV, needing their box, which has so many Channels I would never watch or multiple channels of the same thing on at the same time and I do not care to watch sports, shopping networks, or Insane workout as I am disabled.  I can watch them on the Internet anyway.  Eventually I will upgrade my TV's for Smart TVs

Much of what is on TV is on the Internet.  I can watch from any TV or Computer, Movies, TV shows which some TV Shows can be viewed Web Only on your Laptop/Notebook, Tablet, SmartPhone, or Desktop PC.

With Amazon Instant - $1.99 Rentals - Own for $5.00 or Less and there are Free Videos

The Good: Amazon Instant Video has lower prices on some movies and a catalog that's mostly on par with iTunes.

The Bad: You can only watch movies instantly if you have Prime or if you have purchased or rented them on the Amazon Web site first. There's no in-app store.

The Bottom Line: Amazon Instant Video is only instant if you're a Prime subscriber or once you've already purchased content from Amazon's Web site, but the lower cost for some videos might make it worth your while.

If you have Amazon Prime, you get a Netflix streaming-like subscription that offers up a package of free streaming movie and TV content for customers of Amazon's $79-a-year Prime service (which also entitles you to two-day delivery of other Amazon goods with free shipping). The amount of "free" Prime content isn't as large as what you'll find on Netflix, for example, but there's more content than you might think. Currently, Prime content is, at best, a subset of Netflix's offering, even though Amazon has ramped up some exclusives at the time of launch. But there's no telling what the offerings will be like as time goes on.

To view C/Net's Review of Amazon Instant Video

Friday, September 20, 2013

the Shape of Our Future

We need to coordinate with Aliens to see what they eat...after all they have to travel x amount of Light Years to get here from their home as 1 light year is 5.8 Trillion miles and depending on how fast they are able to travel, dictates the length of time it takes them, so I hope they have enough food and do not pass up our Earth so we may have a chance to ask them.  We surely have not found them in the last 60 years on another Planet.

Just think one day there will be no cows, pigs, sheep, chicken's, wheat, hay, vegetables as potato, tomato, corn, carrots,  lettuce, we may need to turn to genetically altered & chemically made something to eat. 

As there will be more People, more cars electric, solar power or fossil fuel, more highways and mass transit taking up land that was used to farm animals or grow crops, more homes, buildings, etc., to house people, and for more jobs those too taking up more land and of course the Golfers might see their fairways used for other things.

As for other Countries, they have been surviving since their origin, America only about 400 for companies as Monsanto, DuPont or Food Companies as Dole, General Mills, Nestlé, Kraft Foods, Fast Food McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, Der Wienerschnitzel, KFC, etc...and those companies that produce and supply these Restaurant Chains, and Slow Sit Down Restaurants...all mean one thing...

...JOBS !  no one is forcing by twisting arms, or directing your car to these Establishments or to buy their products.  And we hear so many times, "It is My Life and I will do want I want to, as I am an Adult"

And is the food in Prison better, as in Utah, they are cutting back on the calories Women Prisoners get per day.

How many times do we hear, "This is not good for you and that is not good for you", only to read/hear later Now it is not as bad as previously thought.

Even with Obesity high in this Country, how did that Happen, lack of Jobs, Welfare, Unemployment, and Americans gain weight because of junk food, which I heard there is no such thing as Junk Food as it has some Nutrition.

Are not most all Americans of Immigrate Origin, with this comes Ethnic Foods.  Do not other Countries have nutritional issues ?

...sure everything is about the Money, what Government, Company or Entity does not rely on Money to stay in business.  And Business depends on a Americans, no matter if they have money or not.  However, how many Jobs go to another Country, and is it because a Company stands to make more money, and that however Many American's will not work, do not want to work or rather take advantage of Welfare.

How do we as American's do about the increasing number of the Homeless.  Do Illegal Aliens, help the American Economy ?

There is the Criminal, which number of crimes increases simply based on economy, population, lack of Jobs.

If the Criminal becomes obese, my thought they would be easier to chase down and or find.

Also creates more Jobs, and then the Taxpayer dollars to care for them.  However, it beholds Law Enforcement to become Leaner and Quick.  Do Illegals come to America for the Food or Jobs or Money ?

Even if we make Space our next Frontier, traveling to Mars, converting that planet similar to Earth, we need fuel, food (tube food or MRE's, not frozen meals), and money spent to make the long journey, then once there, then becomes a logistic problem, with the management of the flow of resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption.

And why do some people move, because of lower costs, less people ?  And then who lives is even proven that wars help to boost economy, not to mention the many inventions as a result of war and in the Medical Arena.

If I eat a Hot Dog, does that take how many hours, days, weeks or years off my life, who really knows, we each are different.  And we need Money for more Medical Discoveries, and without Jobs, where does this money come from...and the saying of Investing in our Children, as they are Our Future...which means Education and that goes for Teachers as well...and we should invest more in Law Enforcement Technology, as well as Medical and Emergency Services as of our Fire Fighters too.