Which with the Forced Budget Cuts = adding even more unemployed to the 7.9% unemployment rate.
Nothing is to gain by placing blame, this does not undo the situation America is in. Politicians should take a pay cut, they are not doing the job...who American's voted for. And this sends a message to those non-voters, why vote if the situation for America does not change after 1, 2, 3, 4 administrations, only gets worse and toss in a recession or two.
Where is the Change, do these words sound familiar - going back to 2000 "Government of, by, and for the people...not the monied interests", 2004 "Let America be America Again" & "Yes, America Can!", 2008 "Country First", "Change We Can Believe In", "Change We Need", "Hope", "Yes We Can", 2012 "Forward & Believe in America"
Having worked for DOD over 24 yrs, I know money could of been better spent and saved...whether this would of changed today's situation who knows. As a Marine, you learn the meaning of team work, without it you may not win the battle or the war.
Vietnam Conflict or Skirmish or War - of those who remember...US ground forces were first committed 8 March 1965, at Danang...people could not understand our presence in Vietnam and what we were fighting to preserve. We had been seduced by the forces of darkness into a no win situation. The military forces were forced to fight a one-handed battle in Vietnam, the other hand doing battle on the domestic political front. We were at war, maybe or not at all. Then from not really being in Vietnam, we were their force doing most of the battle. The South Vietnamese Army, preservers of freedom, fell under the shadow of big brother America. Vietnam, the Fall of Saigon, April 1975, marked the end of the war. Over 58,200 American voters died.
1971 President Nixon declared the War on Drugs...which continues today.
Does War help our Economy ? Yes, if you look at it from the perspective of creating jobs...even for those who join the military. Which can lead to careers after the military or those Military lifer's...means job security with benefits. You are Supporting American's Freedom, by supporting Our Military, from jobs in logistic, contributions, as volunteers, paying taxes, etc.
War does not kill more American's than some may believe...American's Killing Americans statistics on average annually....over 14,800 Americans are murdered, approximately 16,000 are killed in alcohol-related crashes or 43 lives daily, 40,000 to 50,000 die in auto accidents a year or or an average of 123 lives daily, more than 4,000 die and more than 25,000 are injured in fires, or average of 11 lives daily, over 125,000 die from drug reactions and medical mistakes each year or an average of 342 lives daily, over 50,000 die from alcohol abuse or 137 lives daily, over 400,000 die from cigarette-related illnesses annually or 1095 lives daily, less than 3,000 die from illegal drugs annually or 45 lives daily...just some of the 1700+ lives lost daily in America, on our soil, on the streets, in our homes & neighborhoods, roads & highways, hospitals, jails, etc.
And what do these lives lost cost America, not to mention that Insurances costs go up, same of medical research, prescriptions & treatment, emergency personnel, fire & law enforcement response, etc.
Lets include welfare recipients able to work, those who defraud Workers Compensation, those American's who do not pay taxes to name other area's that cost American's who do work and pay taxes, those here Illegally, or not on work visas, the cost to care for, house and deport...or those guilty of crimes in jails & prison's sucking up space, receiving care & housing at the expense of the taxpayer, criminals who do not contribute to the Economy...other than provide baby sitter jobs to watch over them...if the count were to go down in those areas...more American's could afford Health Care, and the Economy would be better.